

ㄑㄧㄥˇ [qing3
V.i. & t.(1)  Used like Eng. “please”+vb. to express polite request: 進 please come in;
坐 please sit down;
入席 please be seated at table;
“please, please” (offering a drink);
歇一會 please stop a moment for rest;
告訴我 please tell me;
問 may I ask;
教please to advise me.
(2)  To request: [qing3qiu2], [qing3tuo1]↓;
to make an application, request for permission;
見,謁 request for an interview;
指教 humbly request your advice;
光臨 request your company (at a reception, etc.);
earnestly beg;
used as n. 不情之 (court.) my bold request;
不允所 request has been turned down;
君入甕 (allu.) a hated judge known for torturing prisoners was to be tried himself, without knowing it. On being asked by another judge the best way of extracting confession, he suggested putting prisoner in jar heated by hot coals. When jar was ready, he was told, “Now, please step into the jar.”
(3)  To invite: 邀,約 invite s.o.;
茶 invite to tea;
來的come by invitation;
to invite to post;
教授,專家,家庭教師 appoint professor, specialist, home tutor;
醫生,大夫 ask a doctor;
(court.) invite;
不到 was not able to secure services or company at dinner;
不起 cannot afford to give a dinner.
(4)  In religious ceremony, to call upon the spirit to descend: 財神 call upon the god of wealth;
把神主出來 ceremoniously take ancestral tablet out for worship;
香蠟 call for bringing the incense-sticks and candles;
雨 to pray for rain.
Words1. [qing3an1], v.i., (1) to inquire after s.o.'s health, or to wish the best of health; (2) (in north China) to make a curtsy by bending one knee and lowering body (also called 打千).
2. 便 [qing3bian4], v.i., please make yourself at home, do as you please.
3. [qing3qiu2], v.i. & t., to beg, request (another for help), also to demand (freeing of prisoners, etc.); 求權 right of demanding.
4. [qin3qi2], v.i., agreement between bride's and groom's families on date of wedding.
5. [qing2jian3], n., invitation card.
6. [qing3jia4], v.i., ask for leave.
7. [qing3jian4], v.i., request an interview.
8. [qing3jiao4], v.i. & t., to ask for advice, ask s.o.'s opinion.
9. [qing3ke4], v.i., to give a dinner.
10. [qing3er0], n., (coll.) dinner, party given by s.o.: 吃飯聽戲都是我的兒 the dinner and theater party will all be on me.
11. [qing3ming4], v.i., (1) to ask for instructions; (2) to beg for s.o.'s life.
12. [qing3mo4], v.i., (court.) to ask a doctor (to examine pulse).
13. [qing3xian2], v.i., (AC) ask s.o. for an interview at his convenience.
14. [qing3shi4], v.i., beg for instructions.
15. [qing3xUn4], v.i., (in Manchu Dyn.) to ask the emperor for instructions before departing on duty.
16. [qing2tie3], n., invitation card.
17. [qing3tuo1], v.t., to request another's help: 託人做一件事 ask s.o. to do s.t.
18. [qing3zui4], v.i., (1) to confess guilt and ask for punishment; (2) to ask for lenient consideration.
19. [qing3wen4], v.i., may I ask (where did you hear this? etc.).
20. [qing3ye4]1, v.i., to ask questions concerning lessons.
21. [qing3ye4]2, v.i., (1) to ask for interview; more oft. (2) to ask s.o. to use his influence.
22. [qing3yi4], v.i., (LL) to ask for more instruction from teacher.
23. [qing3ying1], v.i., (LL) to volunteer for the army.
24. [qing3yUan4], (1) v.i., to demand (usu. at popular demonstration): 市民願 the people of the city presented a petition; (2) n., a demand or petition.





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