释义 |
門門 | 796B45 52B.00-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄇㄣˊ [men2] | Index. | Words in this section are classified according to “top of remainder”, i.e., character minus 門.
| N. adjunct. | 三門大砲 three cannons; 這一門親事 this marriage, or marriage proposal; 這門學問 this branch of study.
| N. | (1) Door, gate, (see 門兒,門子 [men2er0], [men2zi0]↓): 大門 gate; 房門 door; 城門 city gate; 便門,腰門 side door; 太平門 fire exit; 門鈴 door bell; 門環子gate knocker; 入門 enter door, introductory course; 上門 to visit, also to close door; 敲門 knock at door; 門可羅雀 no callers or customers; 門庭若市 thriving business, many callers. (2) Opening: 耳門 the ear; 糞門,肛門 anus. (3) School (of thought), sect, branch of study: 孔門弟子 Confucian disciples; 佛門中人 Buddists; 門徒 disciples; 及門弟子 first-generation disciples. (4) Class, branch of study: 分門別類 classify according to subjects; 專門 a special art or line of study; 門門精通 knows every subject or profession. (5) (Fig.) house, family: 門當戶對 (of two related families united by marriage) of equal status or prestige; 門第,門風,門楣, [men2di4], [men2feng1], [men2mei4]↓. (6) A surname.
| V.t. | (AC) defend the gate; attack the gate.
| Words | 1. 門包(兒) [men2bao1]([er0]), n., formerly, gift to gatekeeper of official residences for passing message. 2. 門牆 [men2qiang2], n., (LL) symbol of admission to teacher-disciple relationship: 忝列門牆 honored to be counted among the disciples. 3. 門齒 [men2chi3], n., (physiol). incisor (teeth). 4. 門道 [men2dao4], n., covered passage leading to house. 5. 門第 [men2di4], n., family status: 門第相稱 (of families related by marriage) equal in social status. 6. 門丁 [men2ding1], n., gatekeeper. 7. 門斗 [men2dou3], n., door hinge; lintel; formerly, servants of examiner at civil examinations. 8. 門對 [men2dui4], n., couplets on doorposts. 9. 門洞(兒) [men2dong4]([er0]), n., see [men2dao4]↑. 10. 門房 [men2fang2er0], n., gatekeeper, concierge. 11. 門風 [men2feng1], n., family reputation, esp. of old families. 12. 門館 [men2guan3], n., private tutorship; house of 門客 [men2ke4]↓; 門館先生 resident private tutor. 13. 門公 [men2gong1], n., eunuch. 14. 門戶 [men2hu4], n., (1) house status, esp. of the rich or high officials: 權貴門戶; (2) strategic area commanding communications; (3) sect: 門戶之見,之爭 sectarian views, controversies; 自立門戶 establish own school of thought or clique; 門戶人家 formerly, term for brothels; 門戶開放政策 open door policy. 15. 門診 [men2zhen3], n., section for outpatients; visit at doctor's office. 16. 門禁 [men2jin4], n., control at entrances for passing and exit. 17. 門徑 [men2jing4], n., proper channel of approach, initiation into subject: 得窺門徑 just learned the approaches to the subject. 18. 門檻 [men2kan3], n., threshold, the ways, esp. of doing business: 門檻甚精 sharp in business ways and methods. 19. 門客 [men2ke4], n., usu. scholars acting as friends and advisors to important persons and treated as house guests. 20. 門口 [men2kou3], n., doorway. 21. 門框 [men2kuang1], n., door frame on all sides of door. 22. 門兒 [merer0], n., door; see [men2lu4]↓; branch of study: 你學那一門兒 what is your line? 23. 門臉兒 [men2lia3er0], n., shop front; neighborhood of city gate. 24. 門聯(兒) [men2lian2]1([men2liarer0]), n., poetic couplet on sides of gate. 25. 門簾(兒,子) [men2lian2]2, ([men2liarer0], [men2lian2zi0]), n., door screen. 26. 門吏 [men2li4], n., petty officer in charge of gate entrance. 27. 門樓 [men2lou2], n., gate tower. 28. 門路 [men2lu4], n., (1) openings or connections for securing jobs; (2) tricks of the trade: 摸到門路 have learned the ways of the trade. 29. 門羅主義 [men2luo2zhu3yi4], n., Monroe Doctrine (1823). 30. 門脈 [men2mai4], n., (1) (Chin. med.) portal vein; (2) visit as outpatient. 31. 門楣 [men2mei4], n., linted, as symbol of family reputation or status. 32. 門面 [men2mian4], n., (1) shop front; (2) public appearance; 不過壯壯門面而已 just for creating a good public impression; 門面話 routine courteous expressions without sincerity. 33. 門牌 [men2pai2], n., house number: 門牌號碼. 34. 門票 [men2piao4], n., admission ticket. 35. 門人 [men2ren2], n., disciple; gate-keeper; [men2ke4]↑. 36. 門扇 [men2shan4], n., door panel. 37. 門生 [men2sheng1], n., pupil; 收門生 take in pupils: 門生故吏 (LL) disciples and old followers or minor officials; 拜門生 formerly, a graduate who had passed civil examination performed ceremony as pupil of chief examiner. 38. 門神 [men2shen2], ([men2shen0]), n., spirit guarding entrance to house or temple. 39. 門下 [men2xia4], n., see [men2ke4]↑; acknowledged disciple, see [men2sheng1]↑; 拜他門下 be accepted as his disciple; 門下士 scholar friends of official, see [men2ke4]↑. 40. 門限 [men2xian4], n., threshold. 41. 門閂 [men2shuan1], n., door bolt. 42. 門塾 [men2shu2], n., classes at home given by private tutor. 43. 門市 [men2shi4], n., sales, retail sales: 門市部 [men2shi4bu4], n., sales department; n., 門市生意 sales at shop. 44. 門婿 [men2xU4], n., son-in-law. 45. 門帖 [men2tie3], n., poster on door (for rent, etc.); couplet pasted on doorposts. 46. 門子 [men2zi0], n., (1) gatekeeper; (2) 串門子 phr., (usu. of women who) pass from house to house (to spread gossip); (3) 鑽門子,托門子 phr., seek, ask s.o., to get a job through connections, = 門路 [men2lu4]↑; (4) house: 門子,大門子 rich house. 47. 門祚 [men2zuo4], n., family tradition. 48. 門外漢 [men2wai4han4], n., layman, opp. 專家 specialist. 49. 門 [men2wei4], n., gatekeeper, esp. in football. 50. 門牙 [men2ya2], n., front teeth; incisor. 51. 門業 [men2ye4], n., traditional profession of family.