释义 |
襲襲 | 806B45 60.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 22 | ㄒㄧˊ [xi2] | N. | A set: 一襲衣服 a set of dress.
| V.i. | (1) To carry on without change: 因襲,沿襲 carry on (old custom, etc.); 承襲 to inherit (rank, property); 世襲 hereditary; to inherit. (2) Receive hereditary rank: 襲封,襲爵 [xi2feng1], [xi2jUe2]↓. (3) To make a raid, give surprise attack: 偷襲 attack surreptitiously; 空襲 air raid; 襲擊 [xi2ji2]↓; 侵襲 to invade. (4) To plagiarize: 抄襲 ditto. (5) (Of gas, smell) to steal, assail silently: 邪氣襲余形體 (AC) swampy air assails my body; 花氣襲人 fragrance of flowers steals into the room.
| Words | 1. 襲蹈 [xi2dao4], v.i., see [xi2ji1]↓. 2. 襲奪 [xi2duo2], v.t., to attack and take an unprepared city. 3. 襲封 [xi2feng1], v.i., receive hereditary rank. 4. 襲 [xi2ji1], v.i., follow in the footprints of the past. 5. 襲擊 [xi2ji2], v.t., to spring an attack on (city, etc.). 6. 襲爵 [xi2jUe2], v.i., receive hereditary rank.