释义 |
浩浩 | 982B10 63A.40-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄏㄠˋ [hao4] | N. | Large, great, expansive: 浩劫,浩大 [hao4jie2], [hao4da4]↓; 浩然 [hao4ran2]↓.
| Adv. | Greatly: 浩飲 drink inordinately; 浩歎 (a matter of) great regret, sigh deeply.
| Words | 1. 浩博 [hao4bo2], n., abundant, extensive (knowledge, thoughts and ideas). 2. 浩氣 [hao4qi4], n., (Mencius) man's expansive nature, idealistic impulse. 3. 浩大 [hao4da4], adj., very great (expenses, enginering works, achievements). 4. 浩蕩 [hao4dang4], adj., onrushing (flood), wide and expansive (waters, lakes): 浩浩蕩蕩 coming with great force, in formidable array. 5. 浩繁 [hao4fan2], n., bulky and multifarious, great and painstaking (work). 6. 浩瀚 [hao4han4], adj., limitless, expansive. 7. 浩浩 [hao4hao4], adv., like rushing flood. 8. 浩劫 [hao4jie2] n., a great crisis, physical suffering; period of trials and tribulations. 9. 浩渺 [hao4miao3], adj., (of water) limitless. 10. 浩然 [hao4ran2], adj., usu. (Mencius) 浩然之氣 the idealistic impulse in man, great moral force.