

ㄗㄨㄛˋ [zuo4
V.t.(1)  Do, make, work at: [zuo4gong1], [zuo4shi4]↓;
不(上)來 don't know how this is done;
不了 unable to do (finish);
惡(好)人 be bad (good) toward s.o., act the part of a villain (sympathizer);
得很好 do a good job of;
生意 do business, make a deal;
買賣 keep a shop, be in trade;
公務員 be in government service;
菜 to cook;
衣裳 make a dress;
賊心虛 have a guilty conscience.
(2)  Celebrate: 生日 hold a birthday party;
滿月,週歲 party marking a child's birth when he is one month (year) old;
週年 commemorative service on the first anniversary of s.o.’s death;
壽 give a party in honor of s.o. on his birthday.
(3)  Pretend, feign: [zuo4pai0];
歹(惡)pretend to be kindhearted or unfeeling, as the situation of the moment may require.
Words1. [zuo4ai4], v.t., to make love.
2. [zuo4qin1], v.i., make marriage arrangements for one's child.
3. [zuo4qing0], v.i. & t., (1) intercede, mediate: 兩方都不肯說價錢,只好由我情了 as neither party would make a (price) offer, I had to step in and set a figure for them; (2) make a pretense.
4. [zuo4da4], v.i., arrogate to oneself a position of superiority.
5. [zuo4de0], adj., permissible, feasible, can be done.
6. [zuo4fa3], n., way of doing a thing.
7. [zuo4fan4], v.i., prepare a meal (“cook rice”).
8. 根兒 [zuo1ge1er0], adv., from the very beginning, at first.
9. 官(兒) [zuo4guan1] ([zuo4gua1er0]), v.i., be an official, join government service.
10. 鬼兒 [zuo4gueeer0], v.i., practise tricks, irregularities.
11. 工(兒) [zuo4gong1]([er0]), v.i., do manual work.
12. 好事 [zuo4hao3shi4], v.i., (1) do a good turn, help the needy, give to charity; (2) perform religious rites for the repose of a dead person's soul.
13. 活(兒) [zuo4huo2]([er0]), v.i., do manual labor for a living; 活局子 gang up to cheat (deceive).
14. [zuo4jiao3], v.i., serve to pass secret messages.
15. [zuo4ji4], v.t., to plan, scheme, plot.
16. [zuo4zhu3], v.t., be master of, make the final decision on (question): 現在兒女的婚姻,父母不能主了 nowadays parents have no control over the marriage of their children; 此事由你主 this matter is up to you to decide.
17. [zuo4kuo4], v.i., to show off, make a vain display of one's riches.
18. 臉(兒) [zuo4lian3] ([zuo4lia3er0]), phr., do s.t. for the sake of appearances.
19. [zuo4long4], v.t., manipulate (matter) for selfish ends, stir up dissension.
20. 面子 [zuo4mian4zi0], phr., do s.t. for the sake of face.
21. [zuo4pai0], n., (1) gestures and movements of actors on stage; (2) affected manners.
22. [zuo4ren2], v.i., conduct oneself in society: 他很懂人的道理 he knows how to get along with people; v.i., 人情 v.i., do s.o. a special favor.
23. [zuo4sheng1], v.i., begin to speak, break silence.
24. [zuo4shen2], phr., what for: 要他知甚 why let him know (it)?
25. [zuo4xiao3], v.i., be s.o.’s concubine.
26. [zuo4xian4], v.i., see [zuo4jiao3]↑.
27. [zuo4shou4], v.i., hold birthday celebrations.
28. 手腳 [zuo4shou2jiao3], phr., resort to irregular practices, make secret arrangements.
29. [zuo4shi4], v.i., to work: 他正在事 he is busy at work.
30. [zuo4tou0], n., expected results, advantage to be gained from a certain course of action: 有甚麼頭 what's to be gained?
31. [zuo4zuo0], v.i., pretend, feign, affect; n., affectation.
32. [zuo4yan3], v.i., gather intelligence: 再造兩處眼酒店 let's build two more undercover taverns.





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