释义 |
雌雌 | 336A20 21S.11-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄘ [ci1] (also ㄘˊ [ci2] ). | N. | A female, opp. 雄 male (of animals, as cow, lion, fowl, eagle); rarely of persons: “英雌”(facet.) heroine, opp. 英雄 hero; 雌老虎 a tigress, a ferocious woman; 雌威 (of shrew) wife's ferocity.
| V.t. | To chide, rebuke: 挨雌 (coll.) be rebuked.
| Adj. | Female, also gentle, small: 知其雄,守其雌(老子) possessing strength, but retaining gentleness; 雌聲 a weak, low voice.
| Words | 1. 雌答 [ci1da0], v.i., (MC) to scold, chide. 2. 雌花 [ci1hua1], n., (bot.) pistillate flower, see [ci1rui3]↓. 3. 雌黃 [ci1huang2], (1) n., yellow ochre, used as yellow pigment; n., hence, (2) v.t., to blot out mistakes and make corrections: hence, 信口雌黃 to make deceitful statements or unfounded charges. 4. 雌兒 [ci2er2], (1) n., (coll.) a young lass, young thing; (2) ([ci2er0]) v.t., to chide (person). 5. 雌蕊 [ci1rui3], n., (bot.) pistil. 6. 雌雄 [ci1xiong2], adj., male or female, oft. 決雌雄 see who is the winner, the stronger.