

ㄇㄥˊ [meng2
N.(1)  In childhood ignorance, see Adj.↓.
(2)  A surname.
V.t.(1)  To cover: 上一層 cover with a layer;
頭大睡 sleep soundly with face covered under sheets;
頭蓋面 with face covered or veiled;
面大盜 robber in a mask.
(2)  Hoodwink: 受蔽 see [meng2bi4]↓;
(3)  Encounter, come under, receive: 難 meet a fatal accident;
塵 a king flees in trouble (“be covered with dust”);
西子不潔 (AC) when a beauty's good name was smeared;
冤 be unjustly accused;
恩 (court.) receive superior's favor;
不棄 you have so kindly (favored me with …);
教 be favored with advice.
Adj.Untutored (state), in childhood ignorance: 愚 mentally not developed;
時代 early period of enlightenment (in philosophy or child's development);
求 elementary course;
see [meng2tong2]↓.
Words1. [meng2bi4], v.t., hoodwink: 為物欲所蔽 (mind) be clouded by material desires.
2. [meng2guan3], n., formerly, elementary school.
3. [meng2gu3], n. & adj., Mongolia; n. & adj., 古包 [meng2gu3bao1], n., Mongol tent; n. & adj., 古症 Mongolism.
4. 汗藥 [meng2han4yao4], n., sleeping drug.
5. [meng2hun4], v.i., deceive by assuming similar appearance.
6. 籠(蘢) [meng2long2], adj., covered with vegetation.
7. [meng2mei4], adj., ignorant.
8. [meng2meng2], adj., (1) luxuriant (growth); (2) ignorant, unknowing.
9. [meng2rong2], adj., hairy, furry; growing profusely (of plants).
10. [meng2tong2], n., children.
11. [meng2yang3], n., process of tutoring or developing children's mind.





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