释义 |
口口 | 569B30 40.40 | 部居
| 畫數 3 | ㄎㄡˇ [kou3] | N. adjunct. | 一口刀,劍,水缸 one knife, sword, water jar; mouthful: 扒幾口飯 take a few mouthfuls (“bites”) of rice; 喝一口水 have one drink of water; 一口氣 one breath; 一家三口 see N.2↓.
| N. | (1) The mouth: 開口 open mouth, break silence; 不敢開口 dare not say anything; 開口得罪人 offend people every time one speak; 閉口 (無言) shut up, refrain from speaking; 口口聲聲 repeatedly (declare, etc.); 口說無憑 verbal promise is not enough; 利口,口若縣河 a great talker, make a torrent of words; 口拙 not good at expressing oneself; 口蜜腹劍 honey words and a dastardly heart; 口是心非 false words, pretense; 口誅筆伐 denounce by spoken word and writing; 口授 teach by word of mouth, dictate; 口講指畫 gesticulate; 口渴,口乾 thirsty; 出口成章 talk beautifully, a good impromptu talker; 衝口而出 say without thinking, blurt out; 破口大罵 denounce openly; 可口,爽口 good to eat; 口腔,口味 [kou3qiang1], [kou3wei4]↓. (2) (Also as n. adjunct) number of persons: 人口,戶口 population; 五口之家 a family of five (“with five mouths” to feed); 大小口 the young and old counted together; 倆口子 husband and wife, the two in the family; 老倆口兒 the old couple; 計口授田 allot land according to number of persons in the family; 牲口 domestic animals, cattle, etc. (3) Open end: 刀口 edge of knife; 槍口,砲口 gun muzzle; 碗口 rim of bowl. (4) Entrance, gate, opening: 出口,入口 exit, entrance; 關口,卡口 customs station; 隘口 entrance to gully; 河口 river mouth; 海口 seaport; 窗口,門口 outside of window, doorway; 傷口 opening of wound; 缺口 crack (in utensil); 口子 a crack. (5) A surname.
| Words | 1. 口岸 [kou3an4], n., seaport, river port. 2. 口碑 [kou3bei1], n., as in 有口皆碑 (of official) enjoy great popularity among the people, also popular impression, opinion or assessment. 3. 口磣 [kou2chen3], adj., (MC) vulgar of speech. 4. 口沉 [kou3chen2], adj., liking food salty: 這個人真口沉 this man eats his food highly salty. 5. 口腔 [kou3qiang1], n., (1) mouth cavity; (2) dialect accent. 6. 口強 [kou3qiang2], adj., argumentative. 7. 口器 [kou3qi4]1, n., (zoo.) mouth organ. 8. 口氣 (兒) [kou3qi4]2 ([kou3qie4er0]), n., the tone of voice (angry, boding evil, timid, etc.). 9. 口輕 [kou3qing1], adj., (1) eating food without too much seasoning; (2) (of cattle) young. 10. 口琴 [kou3qin2], n., harmonica. 11. 口臭 [kou3chou4], n., halitosis. 12. 口傳 [kou3chuan2], (1) n., hearsay; (2) v.t., transmit teaching by word of mouth. 13. 口齒 [kou2chi3], n., ability to talk: 口齒伶俐 fluent of speech, a good talker; 口齒不清 enunciation not clear. 14. 口袋 (兒) [kou3dai0] ([kou3da4er0]), n., pocket in coat; a bag. 15. 口德 [kou3de2], n., virtue of not speaking evil of others. 16. 口笛 [kou3di2], n., whistle. 17. 口腹 [kou3fu4], n., as in 口腹之慾 desire for creature comforts, bodily desires (eating, drinking). 18. 口福 [kou3fu2], n., joy of eating, luck of having good food. 19. 口供 [kou3gong4], n, affidavit. 20. 口過 [kou3guo4], n., slip of the tongue, errors of speech. 21. 口號 [kou3hao4], n., slogan; password, also see [kou3ling4]↓; (MC) song of eulogy at court ceremony. 22. 口惠 [kou3hui4], n., empty promise without substance. 23. 口紅 [kou3hong2], n., lipstick. 24. 口罩 (兒) [kou3zhao4]([er0]), n., antiseptic gauze worn over mouth and nose. 25. 口角 [kou2jiao3], v.i. & n., (1) bickering, quarrel: 兩人口角 two persons quarrel; (2) corner of mouth; 口角春風 praise by word of mouth. 26. 口技 [kou3ji4], n., forms of entertainment by voice (ventriloquist, etc.). 27. 口徑 [kou3jing4], n., diameter of opening. 28. 口吃 [kou3ji2], v.i. & adj., stutter, stuttering. 29. 口訣 [kou3jUe2], n., formula for incantation; instructions in rhyme. 30. 口快 [kou3kuai4], adj., careless of speech: 心直口快 saying what one thinks without much deliberation. 31. 口糧 [kou3liang2], n., ration (for soldiers, groups). 32. 口令 [kou3ling4] (koou-'ling), n., (mil.) password; shouted order. 33. 口蘑 [kou3mo2], n., a kind of mushroom grown outside the Great Wall (口外). 34. 口哨 [kou3shao4], n., a whistle (吹口哨). 35. 口舌 [kou3she2], n., argument; ([kou3she0]) dispute: 這事讓他知道了,又是一場口舌 if he knows it, it will cause another dispute. 36. 口香糖 [kou3xiang1tang2], n., mint gum, chewing gum. 37. 口涎 [kou3xian2], n., saliva. 38. 口信 (兒) [kou3xin4]([kou3xie4er0]), n., message or word left or orally transmitted. 39. 口水 [kou3shui3], n., saliva. 40. 口試 [kou3shi4], n., oral examination. 41. 口實 [kou3shi2], n., as in 授人以口實 give people basis for gossip. 42. 口條 [kou3tiao2], n., (coll.) pig's tongue, used as food. 43. 口頭 [kou3tou2], adj. & n., (1) oral communication, as opp. to written 口頭的話 s.t. said orally; 口頭交 (兒) nominal friend; adj. & n., 口頭禪 ([kou3tou2chan2]), n., clich? shibboleth; adj. & n., 口頭語 common idiom or phr.; (2) ([kou3tou0]), flavor, taste (of fruit, etc.). 44. 口才 [kou3cai2], n., eloquence: 很有口才 is very eloquent. 45. 口外 [kou3wai4], n., outside the Great Wall. 46. 口吻 [kou3wen3], n., tone of speech (rather than the words actually said) revealing state of thinking. 47. 口味 (兒) [kou3wei4]([kou3weher0]), n., (1) flavor of food; (2) person's inclinations in taste: 合他口味 just what he likes to eat; (fig.) what agrees with one's taste (novel, political views, etc.). 48. 口音 [kou3yin1], n., pronunciation, (clear, unclear; foreign or dialect) accent: 湖北口音 Hupei accent. 49. 口語 [kou3yU3], n., (1) vernacular speech: 文章口語化 to write as one speaks; (2) gossip.