释义 |
萌萌 | 274A10 20A.42-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄇㄥˊ [meng2] | V.i. & n. | To bud, to sprout; buds, sprouts; (fig.) put forth new life, revive: 故態復萌 old habits come back again; (LL) germinate (thoughts, plans): 萌動,萌生.
| Words | 1. 萌兆 [meng2zhao4], n., first signs of. 2. 萌黎 [meng2li2], n., (AC) =氓黎, the common people. 3. 萌芽 [meng2ya2], n. & v.i., sprout, to sprout (lit. & fig.): 萌芽時代 early beginnings, early period.