释义 |
涉涉 | 1023B00 63A.91-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄕㄜˋ [she4] | V.i. | (1) To wade across water: 涉水 ditto; 跋涉 travel across land and water. (2) to run across, to experience: 涉險 explore places of difficult access (peaks, etc.); 涉世,涉足 [she4shi4]1, [she4zu2]↓. (3) Be related to, connected with: 與我無涉 has nothing to do with me; 涉及 [she4ji2]↓; 干涉 to interfere (rearely 關涉); 交涉 v.i. & n., to negotiate on diplomatic or legal matters; 辦交涉 start negotiations.
| Words | 1. 涉筆 [she4bi3], phr., (LL) “wet the pen”--to take pen and write when in mood: 涉筆成趣 make an interesting or sparkling line as it comes by itself. 2. 涉及 [she4ji2], v.t., to involve, relate to incidentally: 涉及個人私事 involve a mention of a man's personal affairs (及 here is prep.). 3. 涉覽 [she4lan3], v.t., as in 涉覽群書 read widely, esp. in cursory reading. 4. 涉獵 [she4lie4], v.i., ditto. 5. 涉歷 [she4li4], v.t., to go through, live through (periods, countries). 6. 涉想 [she4xiang3], v.i., to fancy, indulge in fanciful thinking; think of casually. 7. 涉世 [she4shi4]1, phr., to have experience (of life). 8. 涉事 [she4shi4]1, phr., to have experience or handle affairs. 9. 涉訟 [she4song4], v.i., to be involved in lawsuit. 10. 涉足 [she4zu2], v.i., to go through tentatively, to have a taste of (gambling house, etc.).