释义 |
荷荷 | 248C50 20A.00-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄏㄜˊ [he2] (*ㄏㄜˋ [he4] ). | N. | The lotus, water lily: 荷花,荷蓮 [he2hua1], [he2lian2]↓; 荷葉 lotus leaves, used for flavor and for wrapping food for steaming(cf. 蓮 20A.83).
| V.t. | (*[he4]) To carry on the shoulder, to receive gratefully, to bear burden of gratitude: 荷耡,荷擔 to carry a hoe, a load, on the shoulder; 荷槍實彈 (of soldiers, riot squads) carry loaded guns; 荷蒙,荷賜 (court.) receive (award, letter, kindness, etc.); 荷賞 receive award or gratuity; hence 感荷,拜荷 receive with gratitude; 是荷,為荷 (form in letter) the above would be a great kindness or is my request.
| Words | 1. 荷包(兒) [he2bao0er0], n., wallet; 荷包牡丹 (bot.) Dicentra spectabilis, “wallet peony,” so called because of resemblance. 2. 荷錢 *[he2qian2], n., young sprouts of lotus leaves. 3. 荷爾蒙 [he2er3meng2], n., (translit.) hormone: 男性荷爾蒙 testerone; 女性荷爾蒙 estrogen. 4. 荷負 [he4fu4], n., & v.t., a burden, to bear burden. 5. 荷花(兒) [he2hua1]([er0]), n., the lotus flower; 荷花大少 ([shao4]) a playboy in spring who cannot afford good clothing in winter; cf. [he2lian2]↓. 6. 荷蘭 [he2lan2], n., Holland. 7. 荷蘭水 [he2lan2shui3], n., aereated water. 8. 荷蓮 [he2lian2], n., the lotus (also called 芙蕖). 9. 荷葉 [he2ye4], n., lotus leaf; 荷葉粥 rice congee, cooked while covered with a lotus leaf for flavor; 荷葉肉 a pack of steamed glutinous rice with pork, wrapped in lotus leaf.