释义 |
虎虎 | 326B45 21A.70 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄏㄨˇ [hu3] | N. | (1) Tiger: 老虎 tiger (not necessarily “old”); 猛虎 a fierce tiger; 如虎添翼 lend support to rebel (“like adding wing to tiger”); 虎頭捉虱,虎頭抓蒼蠅 try to catch lice, flies, on tiger's head…unwise provocation; 捋 (or 拔) 虎鬚 “twist tiger’s whiskers”--twist lion's tail; 勢成騎虎,騎虎難下 like riding on tiger--afraid to go on and unable to get down; 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 the only way to catch tiger cubs is to go into tiger's den--take necessary risk; 虎毒不食兒 even a beast does not eat its young; 為虎作倀91A.02; 虎口 (a) a dangerous spot, (b) (fortune-telling) area between thumb and index finger; 虎口餘生 narrowly escape from danger; 虎步 a great warrior’s firm strides like the tiger's; 虎背熊腰 (a person) of a stocky and imposing build, boxer's sinuous posture; 虎視耽耽 cast covetous eyes on; 虎頭虎腦 (person's) appearance of strength; 踏虎尾,虎尾春冰 like treading on tiger's tail or spring ice; 虎頭蛇尾 (of affairs) a brave beginning and weak ending. (2) Tiger as symbol of ferocity or bravery: 虎而冠 a vindictive person (tiger in a human cap); 虎將 a brave general; 虎帳 general's tent; 虎臣 brave ministers; 虎士 brave fighter; 虎狼之性voracious, violent nature; 虎威 fear-inspiring prowess. (3) A surname.
| Words | 1. 虎榜 [hu2bang3], n., announcement of successful military graduates. 2. 虎賁 [hu3ben1], n., (AC) a brave warriors. 3. 虎蹲砲 [hu3dun1pao4], n., (1) a short-barreled mortar; (2) an ancient catapult. 4. 虎耳草 [hu2er3cao3], n., (bot.) the saxifrage. 5. 虎符 [hu3fu2], n., a general's seal. 6. 虎掌 [hu2zhang3], n., (bot.) a poisonous plant, the jack-in-the-pulpit. 7. 虎帳 [hu3zhang4], n., a general's tent. 8. 虎列拉 [hu3lie4la1], n., (translit.) cholera, now usu. called 霍亂. 9. 虎皮豆兒 [hu3pi2dou4er0], n., (1) a kind of black spotted bean; (2) an insect resembling (1). 10. 虎穴 [hu3xie2], n., tiger's den, esp. 虎穴龍潭 a hazardous spot. 11. 虎鬚 [hu3xU1], n., (1) tiger's whiskers; (2) lamp pith. 12. 虎頭拍 [hu3tou0pai1], n., words to scare (person). 13. 虎頭牌 [hu3tou2pai2], n., a sign of magistrate's office to “keep off.” 14. 虎刺 [hu3ci4], n., (bot.) the barberry, Damnacanthus indicus. 15. 虎子 [hu3zi3], n., a tiger cub.