释义 |
船船 | 1323C40 91S.40-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄔㄨㄢˊ [chuan2] | N. | A boat, ship: 輪船,汽船 steamboat; 漁船 fishing boat; 拖船,駁船 tug boat; 划船 paddle boat; 飛船 airship, module; 太空船 spaceship; 上船,下船 go aboard, disembark from ship; 坐船,乘船 go by boat; 開船 boat sails.
| Words | 1. 船板 [chuan2ban3], n., boat deck. 2. 船幫 [chuan2bang1], n., hull of ship, ship's side. 3. 船舶 [chuan2bo2], n., (oft. as collective n.) ships (on sea or harbor). 4. 船埠 [chuan2bu4], n., port of call. 5. 船廠 [chuan2chang3], n., shipyard. 6. 船期 [chuan2qi2], n., sailing schedule. 7. 船渠 [chuan2qU2], n., [chuan2wu4]↓. 8. 船費 [chuan2fei4], n., cost of boat ticket. 9. 船夫 [chuan2fu1], n., boatman, boat hand. 10. 船骨 [chuan2gu3], n., boat's beam. 11. 船戶 [chuan2hu4], n., boatman. 12. 船長 [chuan2zhang3], n., ship's captain. 13. 船家 [chuan2jia1], n., boatman or his family. 14. 船腳 [chuan2jiao3], n, cost of freight. 15. 船籍 [chuan2ji2], n., nationality of ship's registration. 16. 船主 [chuan2zhu3], n., (1) ship's captain; (2) shipowner. 17. 船隻 [chuan2zhi1], n., boats and ships in gen: 往來船隻 the shipping traffic. 18. 船面 [chuan2mian4], n., the deck. 19. 船篷(子) [chuan2peng2]([zi0]), n., (1) matting cover for houseboats; (2) (LL) a sail (=帆 22B.70). 20. 船票 [chuan2piao4], n., boat ticket. 21. 船梢 [chuan2shao1], n., bow of ship. 22. 船舷 [chuan2xian2], n., gunwale. 23. 船頭 [chuan2tou2], n., ship's bow. 24. 船艙 [chuan2cang1], n., berth, also ship's hold. 25. 船尾 [chuan2wei3], n., stern. 26. 船桅 [chuan2wei2], n., mast. 27. 船塢 [chuan2wu4], n., dock, dockyard. 28. 船員 [chuan2yUan2], n., seaman, sailor. 29. 船運 [chuan2yUn4], n., transportation by sea.