释义 |
併併 | 1246A35 91A.20-9 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄅㄧㄥˋ [bing4] . [Interch.并] | V.t. | (1) To combine (cases, treatments): 併合 [bing4he2]↓; 歸併一起 combine together; 併糧 to pool food together or combine two persons’ food to keep one alive; 併案辦理 handle two matters, cases as one. (2) To annex (territory): 兼併 to annex; 併吞,併滅 [bing4tun1], [bing4mie4]↓.
| Adj. & adv. | (As var. of 並) to go side by side, take place at the same time or place: 齊頭併進 go forward together; 百花併放 all flowers bloom together; 諸病併發 different diseases break out at the same time.
| Words | 1. 併發 [bing4fa1], v.i., (of diseases) occur concurrently. 2. 併骨 [bing4gu3], v.t., bury husband and wife in same grave. 3. 併合 [bing4he2], v.t., combine (treatment), annex (territory); handle several cases in one. 4. 併肩 [bing4jian1], adv., (fight, proceed) shoulder to shoulder. 5. 併滅 [bing4mie4], v.t., destroy (country). 6. 併吞 [bing4tun1], v.t., annex and absorb (neighboring country).