释义 |
般般 | 1330A20 91S.82-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄅㄢ [ban1] (ㄆㄢˊ [pan2] ). | N. | Class, type, way: 一般人 the average man, generally; 一般人所承認 is generally believed considered; 多般,百般 in many ways, by many means; 百般忍受,勸導 use all forbearance, all ways of persuasion; 百般無賴 by all crooked means, wiles; 萬般皆下品,惟有讀書高 to be a scholar is to be the top of society.
| Adj. & adv. | Alike in 一般:一般(兒)大 of the same size; 一般模樣 look alike; 般大般小 of the same age.
| Words | 1. 般桓 *[pan2huan2], v.i., (AC) var. for 般恆,盤 旋 91.30. 2. 般樂 *[pan2le4], v.i, (AC) to live steeped in pleasure. 3. 般配 [ban1pei4], adj., be well matched (as in marriage) (also wr. 班配). 4. 般若 [ban1re4], n., (Sanskr.) prajna, highest wisdom; v.t., to know, understand; 般若波羅密(多) prajnaparamita; 般若心經 the sutra of the heart of prajna.