

ㄒㄩˋ [xU4. [Abbr. ]
N.A surname.
V.i. & t.(1)  To continue: 繼,連,接,延 ditto;
,斷斷 continue from time to time, continue off and on (to give money, borrow money);
談 continue the talk;
假 extend the holiday leave;
補 complete, write supplement to unfinished work.
(2)  To replace: [xU4xian2]↓;
狗尾貂 a sable coat with a dog's tail-(in disparagement) make an unworthy continuation of a great work.
Adj. & adv.Continued (installment): 稿 supplement to manuscript;
集,篇,[xU4ji2], [xU4pian1], [xU4ban3]↓;
Words1. [xU4ban3], n., later edition.
2. [xU4bu3], v.t., to continue unfinished work or write sequel or supplement (to work).
3. [xU4qU3], v.t., to remarry.
4. [xU4fu2], phr., (allu.) try to add length to duck’s eggs, which would displease the duck (as trying to shorten crane's neck would displease the crane).
5. [xU4hou4], adv., (MC) later.
6. [xU4ji2], n., supplement(s) in author's works.
7. 命湯 [xU4ming4tang1], n., medicine to continue patient's life.
8. [xU4mu3], n., stepmother (usu. 繼母).
9. [xU4pian1], n., sequel to some essay or collection of essays.
10. [xU4xian2], phr. (man) to remarry, “replace string” on music instrument.
11. [xU4xU4], adv., continuously.
12. [xU4tian1], v.t., to keep on adding (a son, coal to the fire).
13. [xU4yUe1], v.i., renew tready or contract.





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