

ㄅㄠˇ [bao3
N.(1)  Official in charge: 太子太,少 Imperial Tutor in charge of upbringing of crown prince;
(coll.) juvenile deliquent;
wine shop owner or waiter.
(2)  Guarantor: 覓,舖 (find) guarantor (among shop owners);
stand as guarantor, -tee.
V.t.(1)  To keep, maintain in good condition with special meanings in compp.: 持,[bao3chi2], [bao3yang3]↓;
健,固,育, etc. [bao3jian4]2, [bao3gu4], [bao3yU4]↓.
(2)  Guarantee, be responsible for safekeeping: 不住 cannot guarantee;
你沒錯 I guarantee it is okay;
cannot guarantee…will not happen;
自身難 cannot even be sure of one's own safety;
證,管,[bao3zheng4], [bao3guan3], [bao3xian3]↓.
(3)  Recommend: 薦,[bao3jian4]1, [bao3jU3]↓.
Words1. [bao3an1], v.i. & n., public security; 安隊 [bao3an1dui4], n., security corps; v.i. & n., 安林 “national park” area where chopping down of trees is forbidden, protection forest.
2. [bao3bao0], n., darling child (usu. wr. 寶寶).
3. [bao3biao1], n., bodyguard, armed escort.
4. [bao3chi2], v.t., maintain (road condition, temperature, etc.).
5. [bao3qUan2], v.t., protect (reputation, life, property).
6. [bao3dan1], n., certificate of guarantee; insurance policy.
7. 付支票 [bao3fu4zhi1piao4], n., guaranteed check.
8. [bao2guan3], v.t., be in charge of (jewels, property, etc.): 管庫 [bao2guan3ku4], n., safety vault; 管人 custodian.
9. [bao3gu4], v.i., (of contractors) guarantee delivery in good shape within time limit.
10. [bao3hu4], v.t., protect: 護國 [bao3hu4guo2], n., protectorate; v.t., 護鳥 [bao3hu4niao3], n., birds protected under law against shooting; v.t., 護人 [bao3hu4ren2], n., guardian; v.t., 護色 [bao3hu4se4], n., protective coloration.
11. [bao3zhang4], n. & v.t., protection (of civil rights, life, property).
12. [bao3zheng4], n. & v.t., guarantee: 證人 [bao3zheng4ren2], n., guarantor; n. & v.t., 證書 [bao3zheng4shu1], n., guarantee certificate.
13. [bao3jia4], v.t. & n., (be) emperor's escort, esp., in times of crisis.
14. [bao3jian4]1, v.t., recommend (person) from responsible quarters.
15. [bao3jian4]2, v.i. & n., (regimen, exercises for) physical health.
16. [bao3jie2], n., bail.
17. [bao3zhong4], v.i. & t., (please) take good care of yourself: 重身體 take care of health.
18. 准(兒) [bao3zhun3] ([bao3jueer0]), v.i., guarantee (in coll. sense): 准你沒事 I guarantee nothing will happen to you.
19. [bao2jU3], v.t., recommend (person) for post with personal guarantee.
20. [bao3er0], n., guarantor for hired help.
21. [bao3liu2], v.t., (1) reserve: 留權利 reserve rights; (2) defer discussion for future.
22. [bao2mu3], n., nurse; (fig.) benefactor, good angel, godmother (also wr. 姆 nursemaid).
23. [bao3ren2], n., guarantor.
24. [bao3shan1], n., (euphem.) protector; (sometimes) go-betweener.
25. [bao2xian3], v.t. & n., (life, fire) insurance: 險你無事,他不敢來 guarantee nothing will happen, that he dare not come; 險公司 insurance company; 險金額 insured amount; 險單 insurance policy; 險費 premium; 險剃刀 safety razor; 險箱 safe-deposit box; 傷害險 injury insurance; 火災險 fire insurance; 人壽險 life insurance; 財產險 property insurance; 複險 double insurance; 海上險 marine insurance; 險線 fuse.
26. [bao2shou3], (1) v.t. & n., keep (secret, tradition, family property); (2) adj., conservative: 守黨 Conservative Party; adj., 守主義 conservatism.
27. [bao3shi4], n. & v.i. & t., bail out.
28. [bao3cun2], v.t., keep, preserve, guard from loss, harm: 存國粹 preserve the national heritage; 存古物 preserve historical treasures.
29. 溫瓶 [bao3wen1ping2], n., thermos bottle.
30. [bao2yang3], v.t., take good care of (health): 養身體.
31. 嬰堂 [bao3ying1tang2], n., orphanage.
32. [bao3you4], v.t., protect and bless (of God): 佑平安 God give us peace and health.
33. [bao3yU4], v.t., take care of and educate.





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