释义 |
矮矮 | 1391B10 92S.82-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄞˇ [ai3] | N. | A dwarf, a short person: 矮子 ditto: 矮人看(觀)場 a short person applauds or boos with audience in theatre although he cannot see the play--(fig.) lacking independent judgment, restricted in outlook.
| Adj. | Low (stool, house): 矮牆淺屋 a low or crowded house; 矮叭叭 [ai3ba1ba1], 矮矬矬 [ai3cuo2cuo2], descriptive of shortness (of person, etc.); 矮顛顛兒的 [ai3dian1dian1er0de1], humble, self-effacing.
| Words | 1. 矮個(兒)(子) [ai3ge4]([er0]) ([zi0]), n., a short person. 2. 矮子 [ai3zi0], n., a dwarfish person.