释义 |
步步 | 329B20 21A.91 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄅㄨˋ [bu4] | N. | (1) Step: part of many compp. in 快步 quick step; 徐步,慢步 slow, leisurely steps; 散步 stroll; 信步 carefree stroll whither the foot leads; 徒步 go on foot; 止步,留步 go no further; 請止步 phr., asking host to stop seeing guest to the gate; 起步 start in race; 步步高陞 rise step by step; 寸步難行 in difficult pass; 進步 progress; 退步 retrogress. (2) Path: 國步艱難 the national path is beset with troubles; 地步 11A.70. (3) An ancient measure, length of a step (6 ancient “feet”). (4) A surname.
| V.i & t. | (1) To stroll: 步下山坡 (LL) walk down the slope; 步月 (LL) stroll in moonlight. (2) To follow in footsteps: 步其後塵 follow in another's footsteps; 亦步亦趨 to follow slavishly. (3) Set the pace: 獨步一時 (LL) set the pace for the generation.
| Words | 1. 步兵 [bu4bing1], n., infantry. 2. 步步高 [bu4bu4gao1], n., (coll.) ladder, many-tiered shelf. 3. 步步搖 [bu4bu4yao2], n., ancient woman's hair decoration, “bobbing at every step.” 4. 步程計 [bu4cheng2ji4], n., pedometer. 5. 步鎗 [bu4qiang1], n., rifle. 6. 步調 [bu4diao4], n., path and pace: 步調相同 move in the same pattern. 7. 步隊 [bu4dui4], n., troops in command, var. of 部隊. 8. 步伐 [bu4fa2], n., (mil.) movement of troop formations: 步伐整齊 move in beautiful formations 9. 步弓 [bu4gong1], n., an ancient wooden fork-like device for marking length of a step. 10. 步號 [bu4hao4], n., (mil.) infantry signals. 11. 步障 [bu4zhang4], n., portable large silk screen sheltering court ladies from public view. 12. 步履 [bu4lU3], n., walking gait, a man's movements. 13. 步輦 [bu4nian3], n., formerly, royal carriage pulled by attendants. 14. 步哨 [bu4shao4], n., security patrol guarding road along route of important persons: 放步哨 set up such patrols. 15. 步行 [bu4xing2], n. & v.i., walk on foot. 16. 步驟 [bu4zou4], n., steps, plan of procedure. 17. 步從 [bu4zong4], n., retinue. 18. 步足 [bu4zu2], n., ambulacral feet of starfish, etc. (also 步腳). 19. 步武 [bu4wu3], v.t., imitate predecessor.