释义 |
益益 | 1065A10 80.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄧˋ [yi4] (also ㄧˊ [yi2] ). | N. | Benefit, profit, advantage: 益處 [yi4chu4]↓; 有益,無益 beneficial, profitless; 公益 public welfare; 權益 (law) right arising from ownership; 進益 progress in studies, increase in trade, etc.; 收益 income, receipts.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To benefit (the public, etc.). (2) (AC) to increase in money or population: 其家必日益 his family will grow in numbers.
| Adv. | Increasingly (cold, hot, poor, hectic, etc.): 益發 [yi4fa1]↓; 益加 [yi4jia1]↓; 益覺困難 feel it increasingly difficult.
| Words | 1. 益處 [yi4chu4], n., benefit, advantage. 2. 益蟲 [yi4chong2], n., insect useful to man. 3. 益多 [yi4duo1], adv., more and more. 4. 益發 [yi4fa1], adv., all the more, increasingly (difficult, difiant, etc.). 5. 益加 [yi4jia1], adv., ditto. 6. 益智 [yi4zhi4], adj., an intelligence (game)--which stimulates intelligence. 7. 益母草 [yi4mu2cao3], n., (bot.) a grass, Leonurus sibiricus, said to help in maternity cases (also called 茺蔚). 8. 益鳥 [yi4niao3], n., insectivorous birds (beneficial to man). 9. 益足 [yi4zu2], phr., all the more serve to (cause harm, etc.). 10. 益友 [yi4you3], n., good, helpful friends.