

ㄈㄚ [fa1
V.i. & t.(1)  Send out, give out ,dispatch: oft. 出去,下;給某人 give out to person;
電,信,出通告 send telegram, letter, send out general notice;
號施令 give out orders;
兵 send out troops;
薪,餉 pay out salary, army rations;
矢 shoot arrow;
誓,[fa1shi4]1, [fa1yan2]↓;
愿 take religious pledge;
聲,光 give out sound, light;
稿,排 send out script to printer;
see 遣,送,交,付,回,還,落 [fa1qian3], [fa1song4], [fa1jiao1], [fa1fu4], [fa1hui2], [fa1huan2], [fa1luo4]↓;
,頒 give out, distribute (handbills, prizes, pay).
(2)  Open up, discover, expose: 明,覺,[fa1ming2], [fa1jUe2], [fa1xian4]↓;
冢,姦 open tomb, expose adultery;
[fa1jU2], excavate↓;
open up (industry, mines, new country, etc.).
(3)  Start, put forth, grow + n.: 芽,苗,苞 put forth sprouts, shoots, buds;
起,[fa1qi3], [fa1sheng1]↓;
汗 perspire, also induce perspiration;
疹子,紅點 have measles, a rash;
痧 have attack of cholera, colic;
瘧子 have attack of malaria;
火,怒,脾氣 become angry;
顫,抖 tremble, shiver;
(4)  Develop, become, grow + adj.: 冷,熱 fell chill, have fever;
紅,白,黑,黃 grow red, white, black, yellow;
亮 become bright, shiny;
麻,木 become numb;
硬,乾,潮,霉 become hard, dry, damp, mildewed;
癢,煩 become itchy irritable;
懶 feel lazy;
狂,瘋,憤 [fa1kuang2], [fa1feng1], [fa1fen4]2 and many compp.↓.
Words1. [fa1ai2], adj., stunned, nonplussed.
2. 報機 [fa1bao4ji1], n., machine for sending out telegram.
3. [fa1biao3], v.t., publish, give out to public (statement, opinion, new rules, results of contests).
4. [fa1biao1], n., (MC) take it out on s.o.
5. [fa1bu4], v.t., publish (laws, etc.).
6. [fa1qian3], v.t., send away; send to exile; send (troops, etc.).
7. [fa1qi3], v.i. & t., to start (a new society, etc.); 起人 [fa1qi3ren2], sponsor(s); cause to happen: 起辯論 cause controversy; 甚麼時候起 when did it start?
8. [fa1chou2], v.i., be become sad, sullen, worried.
9. [fa1chu1], v.t., send out, produce, give rise to: 出毛病 give rise to troubles; 出宣言 publish official statement (of position, program, policy); 出聲音 produce a sound; send out (telegram, warning, mail, salary, etc.).
10. [fa1chuan3], v.i., pant, feel short of breath.
11. [fa1dai1], v.i., be dazed.
12. [fa1da2], v.i. & adj., prosper, (be) prosperous.
13. [fa1dou3], v.i., shiver.
14. [fa1dong4], v.i. & t., to start and push (movement, campaign, an engine), take the initiative; v.i. & t., 動機 [fa1dong4ji1], n., dynamo, electric motor.
15. [fa1fa1], adj., (AC, of wind) fast.
16. [fa1fang4], v.t., send away (to the country, prisoners).
17. [fa1fan2], n., introduction.
18. [fa1fen4]1, v.i., make firm resolve: 奮圖強 resolve to make the country strong; 奮用功 resolve to study hard.
19. [fa1fen4]2, v.i., ditto.
20. [fa1feng1], v.i., grow crazy.
21. [fa1fu4], v.t., pay out (sum, to person).
22. [fa1fu2], v.i., grow fat.
23. 個兒 [fa1ge4er0], v.i., grow bodily taller.
24. [fa1hang2], (1) v.i. & t. & n., sell wholesale; v.i. & t. & n., such firm; [fa1xing2], (2) v.t., publish; v.t., 行人 publisher.
25. [fa1hen3], v.i. & adv., with angry determination; diligently, with force.
26. [fa1heng4], adj., become obstinate, violent.
27. [fa1hua4], v.i., (MC) speak angrily.
28. [fa1huang1], v.i., to panic.
29. [fa1huan2], v.i, send back.
30. [fa1huang2], v.i., grow or prosper beautifully.
31. [fa1hui1], v.t., develop, expand on (idea, talent).
32. [fa1hui2], v.t., send back.
33. [fa1hun1], v.i., faint; grow dizzy; (derog.) go crazy.
34. [fa1huo3], v.i., become angry.
35. [fa1zhan3], v.i. & t., develop, expand (business); show, give expression (to natural talent).
36. [fa1zhan4], v.i., tremble.
37. [fa1zheng4], v.i., be stunned.
38. [fa1ji1], v.i., make good, be a success.
39. [fa1jian4] ([fa1xian4]), v.t. & n., discover, find out; discovery;
40. [fa1jiao1], v.t., deliver (to person).
41. [fa1jie4], v.i., (MC) receive M. A. degree (舉人).
42. [fa1ji2], v.i., get nervous, worried.
43. [fa1zhou4], v.i., swear an oath; swear.
44. [da1zhuang1], v.i. & n., sell wholesale; wholesale merchant.
45. [da1jUe2], v.t., discover.
46. [fa1jU4], v.i., laugh out loudly.
47. [fa1jU2], v.t. & n., excavate, -tion.
48. [fa1kan1], v.t., publish; v.t., 刊詞 [fa1kan1ci2], n., inaugural statement on first issue of periodical.
49. [fa1ke4], v.i., sell to customers (goods).
50. [fa1kuang2], v.i., grow crazy, become mad.
51. [fa1leng4], v.i., be stunned.
52. [fa1luo4], v.t., dispose of, dismiss with term of punishment.
53. [fa1mai4], v.i., & t., put out for sale: 賣房屋 sell house.
54. [fa1mao2], v.i., be afraid (to sleep alone, etc.), be covered with goose flesh.
55. [fa1mian4], v.i. &n., to leaven dough; leavened dough.
56. [fa1ming2], v.i. & t., invent; invention: 明家 inventor.
57. [fa1nan4], v.i., be the first to start revolt.
58. [fa1nu4], v.i., become angry.
59. [fa1piao4], n., invoice.
60. [fa1re4], v.i., run a fever; feel hot.
61. [fa1ren4], v.i., start on journey.
62. [fa1san4] ([fa1san1]), v.i., to diffuse (of gas); (Chin. med.) to let out perspiration, otherwise loosen up bodily humors.
63. [fa1sang1], v.i., send out obituary, cf. 出殯 31S.80.
64. [fa1shao1], v.i., run a fever.
65. [fa1she4], v.i. & n., shoot (arrow, bullet, missile); 洲際射機 international ballistic missile.
66. [fa1shen1], v.i., reach puberty.
67. [fa1sheng1], v.i. & t., (1) arise, cause to happen: 生事件,問題 cause events, problems to arise; 事件,問題生 events, problems arise; 生誤會,爭執 cause misunderstanding, dispute (also difficulties, suspicion, obstruction, doubt, etc.); (2) pr. [fa4sheng0], (Peking coll.) prosper.
68. [fa1xia4], v.t., send down (order, instructions, etc.).
69. [fa1xian4], v.t. & n., discover, -ry (new facts, comet, etc.); to appear, arise: 不會現 will not find, appear; also wr. 見 pr. [fa1xian4].
70. [fa1xiang2], v.i., prosper; 祥地 place of origin of a new dynasty or of wealth.
71. [fa1xiao4]1, v.i., (of dough) ferment, leaven.
72. [fa1xiao4]2, v.i., to laugh out.
73. 洩 (泄) [fa1xie4], v.t. & i., blow off steam, anger; dissipate.
74. [fa1xing2], v.i., see [fa1hang2], (2) ↑.
75. [fa1shou4], v.i., be for sale; sell.
76. [fa1shi4]1, v.i., take an oath; swear.
77. [fa1shi4]2, v.i., open for customers.
78. [fa1song0] ([fa1song0]), v.i., (1) to send out (invitations, etc.); (2) transport body to grave in procession, see 出殯 31S.80.
79. [fa1tiao2], n., spring in clockwork.
80. [fa1cai2], v.i., get rich.
81. [fa1zao4], v.i., become nervous, irritable.
82. [fa1zuo4], v.i., have an attack of anger, disease.
83. [fa1wang3], v.t., send to.
84. [fa1wen4], v.i., ask question, to question.
85. [fa1ya2], v.i., sprout.
86. [fa1yan2], v.i., to state opinion in assembly; 言人 spokesman.
87. [fa1yang2], v.i., develop, expand (truth, tradition): 揚光大 bring to greater height of development.
88. 瘧子 [fa1yao4zi0], v.i., (vern.) have attack of malaria.
89. [fa1yin3], v.i., make funeral procession with coffin leading.
90. [fa1yin1], v.i. & n., pronounce, pronunciation.





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