释义 |
輓輓 | 154B35 10D.70-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄨㄢˇ [wan3] | V.i. | To pull (hearse): hence 輓歌 elegy, [wan3ge1]↓; to offer condolence.
| Adj. | U.f. 晚: 輓近 lately.
| Words | 1. 輓對 [wan3dui4], n., elegiac couplet offered in condolence of the departed, usu. eulogy. 2. 輓歌 [wan3ge1], n., elegy. 3. 輓聯 [wan3lian2], n., an elegiac couplet, see [wan3dui4]↑. 4. 輓輸 [wan3shu1], v.t., (AC) transport by cart. 5. 輓詩 [wan3shi1], n., elegiac poem. 6. 輓詞 [wan3ci2], n., elegiac prose-poem.