

ㄩㄥˋ [yong4
N.(1)  Use, function: [yong4chu4]↓;
function (of medicine, etc.);
所學非所 a person's education does not fit him for a certain job;
practical use;
,合 convenient for use.
(2)  Expenses: 費 ditto;
national expenditures;
domestic expenses;
daily expenses.
V.t.(1)  To use, employ (person): [yong4ren2]↓;
appoint to post;
賢 to use able men;
to appoint (teacher, musician, etc.);
to employ (servants, etc.);
人不當 use wrong or incompetent men for jobs;
use on probation;
to commission s. o. and rely on him heavily.
(2)  To spend: 挪 to use certain funds temporarily;
to borrow;
不了 do not need so much (money);
公款 irregularities in use of public funds;
錢無度 extravagant with money.
(3)  To apply, operate (tool, instrument), to make use: 運 to apply (brains, learning, common sense, etc.);
to serve a purpose;
to utilize, make use (of person for certain end), take advantage (of wind for sail, of certain regulations, loopholes, etc.);
know how to handle (men, money, time).
(4)  To serve as, in order to: 以增加知識 in order to increase one's knowledge.
(5)  As more elegant substitute for “eat,” “drink”: 茶 drink tea;
飯 eat rice;
please help yourself to food.
Prep.With: 刀殺人 kill with a knife;
目阻止 stop (s.o.) with a look;
心,[yong4xin1], [yong4li4]↓.
Words1. [yong4bing1], phr., skill in military command.
2. 不著 [yong4bu0zhao2], phr., there is no need to (do); useless.
3. [yong4chang2], n., use, application: 沒有場 is of no use.
4. [yong4qian2], (1) to spend money; [yong4qian2], (2) ([yong4qian0]) commission fee.
5. [yong4qing2], n., quality in directing one's affections: 情不專 liable to change lovers.
6. [yong4chu4], n., use, practical application.
7. [yong4du4], n., habit of spending money.
8. [yong4fa3], n., handling of justice.
9. [yong4fei4], n., fees, expenses.
10. [yong4gong1], v.i., to work hard, esp. at studies.
11. 工夫 [yong4gong1fu0], v.i., to study hard, practice hard.
12. [yong4hu4], n., subscriber to electric power, telephone, etc.
13. [yong4jian4], phr., see 離間 60S.11.
14. [yong4ji4], phr., by strategy, plan, trick.
15. [yong4jin4], v.t., to exhaust (efforts, etc.)
16. [yong4jU4], n., appliance (s).
17. [yong4lai2], v.i., for use (convenient, etc.).
18. [yong4li4], adv., (work) hard, with concentrated effort.
19. [yong4ming4], phr., (LL) obey orders.
20. [yong4pin3], n., appliance (s), material or articles for use (as cosmetics).
21. [yong4ren2], n., (1) employee; (2) skill or tact in handling personnel.
22. [yong4xiang0], n., expenditures.
23. [yong4xin1], adv., with concentrated effort.
24. [yong4shi4]1, phr., to serve in society.
25. [yong4shi4]2, v.i., (1) to be in power; (2) (litr.) literary allusions.
26. [yong4tou0], n., (coll.) some specific use.
27. [yong4tu2], n., purpose of expenditure.
28. [yong4wu3], phr., to choose the warpath.
29. [yong4yi4], n., intention, careful thought or hidden purpose: 意甚善 (law, etc.) serves a very good purpose.





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