

ㄉㄨㄥ [dong1
N. & adj.(1)  The east, eastern: 方 east;
邊 east side;
the Far East: 近 Middle East;
半球 Eastern Hemisphere;
風過耳 (advice) unheeded;
山再起 (of politician) to stage a comebake (allu.);
施效顰 (allu.) ugly woman (施) trying to imitate famous beauty (西施) knitting her brows.
(2)  Host, landlord, owner: 房 landlord;
be host of dinner;
道,兒,[dong1dao4], [dong1er0], [dong1jia1]↓.
(3)  (MC) toilet, latrine 廁,司.
(4)  A surname.
Adv.行 going east;
oft. coupled with 西 west, describing confusion, on all sides: 倒西歪,零西亂 lying on all sides;
一個,西一個 lying here and there, spread everywhere;
一拳,西一腳 a blow here, a kick there;
不成,西不就 cannot or will not accept post and be without job;
塗西抹 draw paint everywhere;
食西宿 without definite place for board or lodging;
拉西扯 (of talk) rambling, incoherent, disorderly;
奔西走 going in all directions for s.t.;
張西望 to look in all directions.
Words1. [dong1bei3], n., northeast, usu. reference to Manchuria.
2. [dong1bian1], adj., east side, on the east.
3. [dong1chuang2], n., son-in-law: 床快婿,坦腹床 (allu.).
4. [dong1dao4], n., host for party: 做道, also 道主.
5. [dong1ding1], n., jingling sound.
6. [dong1du1], n., Loyang in Suhng Dyn.
7. [dong1fang1], n., (1) the east, the Orient: 方文化 oriental culture; (2) a surname.
8. [dong1gong1], n., the crown prince; his residence; also empress in East Palace.
9. [dong1jia1], n., (1) landlord, house owner; (2)the person whom one serves as tutor, secretary or domestic help; (3) eastern neighbor.
10. [dong1jing1], n., Tokyo; 京灣 Gulf of Tonkin, also Tokyo Bay.
11. [dong1er0], n., host for party.
12. 南亞 [dong1nan2ya3], n., Southeast Asia; 南亞公約組織 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO).
13. 三省 [dong1san1sheng3], n., Manchuria.
14. 西 [dong1xi1], n., (1) east and west; (2) ([dong1xi0]) a thing: 很多西 many things; 甚麼西 what, what things; 你是甚麼西 (abusive) what are you anyway? 不是西 a rascal, scoundrel.
15. [dong1ce4], n., latrine.
16. [dong1ya3], n., East Asia.
17. [dong1yang2], n., Japan; 洋人 Japanese; 洋車 rickshaw, also called 人力車 jinrickshaw.
18. [dong1ying2], n., Japan.





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