释义 |
甕甕 | 826B40 60.70 | 部居
 | 畫數 18 | ㄨㄥˋ [weng4] . [Var. of罋 60.21] | N. | (1) A big jar: 酒甕 wine jar; 甕中捉 catch a turtle in the jar-inescapable situation; 甕聲甕氣 low sound or voice as in an enclosure. (2) A surname.
| Words | 1. 甕鼻 [weng4bi2], n., a blocked-up nose. 2. 甕城 [weng4cheng2], n., enclosure (for defense) outside a city gate. 3. 甕圈兒 [weng4chyuaher0], n., ditto. 4. 甕洞兒 [weng4dong4er0], n., gate tunnel. 5. 甕闊 [weng4kuo4], adj., liberal with money. 6. 甕門 [weng4men2], n., gate of outer enclosure of city gate, see [weng4cheng2]↑. 7. 甕頭 [weng4tou2], n., first draw of new wine, also called 甕頭清,甕頭春. 8. 甕牖 [weng4you3], n., usu. in 甕牖繩樞 mouth of a jar used for window and door fastened by a rope-descriptive of extreme poverty.