释义 |
迷迷 | 378C10 22.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄇㄧˊ [mi2] | N. | Maniac: 影迷,舞迷,戲迷 person crazy about movies, dancing, opera.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To lose one’s way: 迷失去向 lose one's bearings; 迷路 [mi2lu4]↓. (2) Enchant, cast under a charm: 被她迷住了 be infatuated with her; 迷人的力量 infatuating, fascinating power; 迷人的心 bewitch person; 迷拐 drug and kidnap; 迷昏了 cast under spell.
| Adj. | (1) Dazed, befuddled, lost: 昏迷; 迷忽忽 confused in delirium, collapsed and fainted; 昏迷狀態 in a state of coma, unconscious; 迷羊 the lost sheep; 迷糊,迷亂,迷惘 [mi2hu2], [mi2luan4], [mi2mang3]↓. (2) Enchanted, drunk with, enamored with: 迷溺 fall into habit of, love deeply (wine, women, gambling). (3) Confusing: 布迷陣 (mil.) deploy troops to confuse the enemy; 迷魂 [mi2hun2]↓.
| Words | 1. 迷暗 [mi2an4]1, adj., in the dark, difficult to see. 2. 迷岸 [mi2an4]2, n., (Budd.) the shore of sensuous error. 3. 迷瞪 [mi2deng0], v.i., become infatuated with s.t., also 迷迷瞪瞪 [mi2mi2deng1deng1]. 4. 迷宮 [mi2gong1], n., labyrinth. 5. 迷糊 [mi2hu0], adj., unclear, blurred (picture, impression); also 迷迷糊糊 [mi2mi0hu2hu0], in a daze, difficult to make out. 6. 迷惑 [mi2huo4], v.t. & n., temptation, tempting, tempted; to tempt; mislead, confuse; adj., puzzled. 7. 迷魂 [mi2hun2], adj., enticing; 迷魂湯 (cast, be under) enticing spell; 迷魂藥 [mi2hun2yao4], n., a drug to hypnotize a victim. 8. 迷津 [mi2jin1], n., wrong path (ferry where one goes astray): 指破迷津 (Budd.) point out where one has gone astray from right path. 9. 迷戀 [mi2lian4], v.t., be drunk, enamored with. 10. 迷離 [mi2li2], adj., confusing, see 撲朔迷離 10A.81. 11. 迷亂 [mi2luan4], adj., confusing, -sed. 12. 迷路 [mi2lu4], n., (1) wrong path; (2) inner ear; (3) v.i., have lost one's way. 13. 迷惘 [mi2mang3], adj., lost, confused. 14. 迷蒙精 [mi2meng2jing1], n., chloroform. 15. 迷謬 [mi2miu4], adj., false (of doctrine, teaching). 16. 迷迷 [mi2mi2], adj., unclear, see [mi2deng1], [mi2hu2]↑. 17. 迷你 [mi2ni3], adj., mini: 迷你裙 miniskirt. 18. 迷笑 [mi2xiao4], n. & v.i., beguiling smile; to smile beguilingly. 19. 迷信 [mi2xin4], (1) n., superstition; (2) v.t., blindly believe. 20. 迷途 [mi2tu2], n., the lost way, stray path. 21. 迷醉 [mi2zui4], v.t., be drunk, fascinated by (new ideas, etc.)