释义 |
狐狐 | 1306C20 91C.82-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄏㄨˊ [hu2] | N. | A fox: 狐貍 [hu2li0]; 狐皮 fox skin or fur; 狐尾巴 foxtail; 狐腿子 leg skin of fox; 狐脊 back fox-skin; 狐裘 robe of fox skin; 狐狸狐搰 suspicious and indecisive like a fox, constantly change plans-as fox changes holes; 狐假虎威 (fable) a fox makes himself feared by walking in tiger's company, (fig.) a man assuming self-importance by his connections; in comb. with 狗:狐群狗黨,狐朋狗友 disreputable gang, rabble; 妖狐 a fox spirit oft. assuming form of a pretty girl; as symbol of suspicion: 狐疑 [hu2yi2]↓; as symbol of cunning, deceit and witchery: 狐貍精,狐仙,狐媚 [hu2li2jing1], [hu2xian1], [hu2mei4]↓.
| Words | 1. 狐臭 [hu2chou4], n., armpit odor. 2. 狐貍 [hu2li0], n., the fox; (abusive) a bewitching woman, see [hu2mei4]↓; 3. 狐貍精 [hu2li2jing1], n., a fox spirit; 4. 狐貍 [hu2li0], n., (abusive) a vixen. 5. 狐媚 [hu2mei4], v.i. & t., to flatter, bewitch with feminine charms. 6. 狐步舞 [hu2pu4wu3], n., the fox trot (dance). 7. 狐騷 [hu2sao1], adj., (1) n., see [hu2chou4]↑; adj., (2) sexy, flirtatious. 8. 狐仙 [hu2xian1], n., a fox spirit oft. appearing as old man gifted in fortunetelling. 9. 狐疑 [hu2yi2], v.t., be suspicious, as a fox is reputed to be: 我狐疑他 I suspect him.