

ㄕㄣˋ [shen4 (*ㄕㄣˊ [shen2, *ㄕㄜˊ [she2).
Adj.(1)  (*[shen2]) What, what kind: [shen2mo0]↓;
short for 麼:人,事,地 what person, business, place;
時,日 what time, day.
(2)  (AC) fast (related 迅): 風,雨 fast-driving wind, rain;
口 fast talker.
Adv.Very, very much, quite: 好,佳,善 very good;
壞,惡 very bad;
大,小 very big, very small;
多,少 very much or many, very little or few, etc.;
可疑 very suspicious;
不壞 not bad indeed;
oft. in comb. 為,是 instead of for rhythmic reason;
thus 是可疑,是不壞;
是可人 very lovable;
有道理 (term of approval) quite right;
too much;
欺人太 has gone too far in insult or injury;
莫為己 don't drive s.o. into a corner.
Words1. [shen2ban1], adj. & adv., (MC) how (solitary, sad, etc.)=modn. 怎般.
2. [shen2chu4], adv., where.
3. [shen2de0], n., (short for 麼的) what: 這柬帖說個的 what does this note say? 管他作(做) what do you care to bother about it?
4. [shen4er2], adv., even, go so far as to: 而打起來 even came to blows.
5. [shen2zhi4], adv., see [shen4er2],↑: 至趕他出門 even throw him out of the house: also 至於 go so far as to.
6. [she2mo0] (weak form of [shen2mo0], also [shi2mo0], wr. 什麼), pron. & adj., (1) what: 你作麼 or 麼事 what are you doing? 麼人,麼地方 what man (who), what place (where); 麼意思 what do you (does it) mean? (2) any, anhyting: 想麼,說麼 say whatever comes to mind; 沒有麼不好 do not see anything wrong with it; (3) some or other: 不知誰說麼話 I do not know who said something or other (to offend him); 麼姓張的 a certain Mr. 張; 忽然看見一個麼妖怪 suddenly we saw a I-do-not-know-what monster; pron. & adj., 麼樣 [she2mo0yang4], adj. & adv., what kind of (animal, dress. etc.).
7. 恁底 [shen2ren4di0], adv., (MC) =怎的,麼的 what, see [she2mo0]↑, [shen2yang4]↓.
8. 日 *[shen2ri4], n., what day.
9. [shen4shi4], adv., very=, see Adv.↑; identical with [shen2wei2]↓.
10. [shen2shi2], n., what time.
11. [shen4wei2], phr., very, identical with , see Adv. ↑: 為不恭 very impolite.
12. [shen2yang4], adj., what kind (short for 麼樣) see [she2mo0]↑.





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