释义 |
但但 | 1252C30 91A.30-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄉㄢˋ [dan4] | N. | A surname.
| Adj. | (1) Only, just, merely: 但有一個(=只有) there's only one; 但聽他吩咐 just follow what he says; 但坐無妨,但說無妨 just sit down, just speak out what is on your mind; 但只一次 only this once; 但不過我們兩人知道 it's only between us two; 但須,但要 only want; 但望 only hope; 不求有功,但求無過 do not hope to distinguish myself, but only not to make mistakes; oft. used negatively in 不但,豈但,非但 not only; 不但如此 not only this.
| Conj. | But; vern. usu. 但是 LL 但 or 但係, see 但是 [dan4shi0]; if only: 但使 [dan4shi3]↓.
| Words | 1. 但凡 [dan4fan2], conj. & adv., whoever, whenever, whatever, all: 但凡是人,都有個良心 all men have a conscience; 但凡不違法,都可以做 whatever is not against the law is permissible. 2. 但只 [dan4zhi3], adv., only: 但只恨 I only regret. 3. 但是 [dan4shi0], (1) conj., but, nevertheless; (2) adv., only: 但是一個小孩子 it's only a child. 4. 但使 [dan4shi3], conj., only if: 衣沾不足惜,但使願無違 only if I could follow my wish, it does not matter that my dress is wet. 5. 但願 [dan4yUan4], v.i., wish, hope: 但願你能早到 hope that you can come early; 但願你成功 wish you success; 但願如此 I hope so.