释义 |
奧奧 | 1224A35 91.81 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄠˋ [ao4] | N. | (1) (AC) southwest corner of house. (2) Mystery, see Adj.↓. (3) Hidden recesses, forbidden grounds: 禁奧 palace grounds. (4) Short for 奧地利 Austria: 奧國 Austria (dist. 澳洲 Australia).
| Adj. | Mysterious, profound: 奧妙 [ao4miao4]↓; 深奧,玄奧 abstruse, difficult to understand: 奧旨,奧義 profound meaning.
| Words | 1. 奧博 [ao4bo2], adj., profound (scholarship, etc.); wealthy. 2. 奧區 [ao4qU1], n., (AC) inland, heartland. 3. 奧林比克 [ao4lin2pi3ke4], n., (translit.) Olympic. 4. 奧妙 [ao4miao4], adj., mysterious, wonderful, beyond one's understanding. 5. 奧秘 [ao4mi4], n., mystery =秘奧. 6. 奧甜 [ao4tian2], adj., (fruit) sweet and luscious. 7. 奧賾 [ao4ze2], n., (LL) deep mystery. 8. 奧衍 [ao4yan3], adj., deep, profound. 9. 奧援 [ao4yUan2], n., ally, moral or material support during crisis.