释义 |
燙燙 | 956C15 63.81 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄊㄤˋ [tang4] | V.t. | (1) To scald and cause a burn: 燙傷 be scalded; 燙了泡兒 blister from a burn. (2) To heat up by placing in vessel containing hot water: 燙酒 heat up wine thus. (3) To iron: 燙衣服 to iron (press) clothes; 燙平了 press smooth; 燙得好平好亮 pressed beautifully; 燙焦了 burnt by ironing. (4) To treat (hair) by heat: 燙頭髮 wave by curling-irons or have permanent wave; 燙蠟 fill in with wax or wax a surface. (5) Have hot bath: 燙澡 hot bath; 用熱水燙燙腳 have a hot foot bath.
| Adj. | Hot to the touch: 很燙,好燙,滾燙 very hot; also 燙人:這湯很燙人 this soup is scalding hot; 不燙了 no longer scalds.
| Words | 1. 燙斗 [tang4dou3], n., pressing iron. 2. 燙髮 [tang4fa3], n., to have permanent wave. 3. 燙手 [tang4shou3], adj., hot to the touch: (fig.) 這個人很燙手 better not touch this man - keep away from him. 4. 燙藥 [tang4yao4], n., ointment or lotion for burns.