

ㄕㄠ [shao1
N.Fever: 發 have fever;
high fever;
退 reduce fever.
V.i. & t.(1)  To burn: 焚 ditto;
房子 fire burns a house;
(fig.) burn, splash money: 自從得了這筆小財,不知得怎樣才好 when he got this little fortune, he felt so hot that he didn't know what to do.
(2)  To cook: 飯,菜 cook rice, vegetables: 水,茶 boil water, tea;
esp. to roast: 鴨,豬 roast duck, pig;
“heat up oven”-befriend s.o. when he is yet a nobody in the hope of winning his favor when he is rich or influential.
Words1. [shao1bei1], n., a beaker.
2. [shao1](')[bing3], n., a baked wheat cake, usu. with sesame seeds on top; (AC) a wheat cake with mutton, onions.
3. [shao1qing1], n., baked green (in cloisonne).
4. 刀子 [shao1dao1zi0], n., (sl.) strong liquor.
5. [shao1dian3], n., (phys.) ignition point, focus (also called 焦點).
6. [shao1guo1], n., vat for making liquor; formerly, brewery.
7. [shao1hua4], v.t., to burn to ashes, to cremate.
8. [shao1huang1], n., (AC) to burn the prairie as a method of discouraging nomadic tribes.
9. [shao1hui3], v.t., to burn down.
10. [shao1jiu3], n., strong liquor.
11. [shao1]-(')[zhi3], n., paper money burned for use of the dead; 紙引鬼 attract ghosts by burning spirit-money-stir up trouble where there was none.
12. [shao1lan2], n., baked blue (cloisonn?/i>).
13. [shao1lian4], v.i., to practise alchemy.
14. [shao1liao4], n., clouded or frosted imitation glass (made into lamps, etc.).
15. [shao1mai4], n., a stuffed dumpling, open and frilled on top.
16. 盤兒 [shao1pa2er0], v.i., (sl.) blush to the ears.
17. [shao1ping2], n., a flask (in chem.).
18. [shao1xiang1], v.i., to burn incense-to pray: 頭香 to be the first to light an incense on religious holiday.
19. [shao1xin1], v.i. & adj., agitate, -ing, -ed.
20. 石膏 [shao1shi2gao1], n., plaster of Paris powder.
21. 尾宴 [shao1wei3yan4], n., a feast for successful candidates celebrated at end of civil examinations.
22. 夷彈 [shao1yi2dan4], n., an incendiary bomb.





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