释义 |
炸炸 | 1310B05 91D.22-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄓㄚˋ [zha4] (*ㄓㄚˊ [zha2] ). | V.t. | (1) (*[zha2]): To fry in deep oil; 炸丸子 fried meat ball; 炸醬 [zha4jiang4]↓; 油炸 fried in oil; 炸乾 fried crisp and served dry without sauce. (2) To bomb (place, railway, etc.): 炸彈 [zha4dan4]↓; 炸裂,炸燬 [zha4lie4], [zha4hui3]↓; 炸藥 [zha4yao4]↓; 轟炸 to bomb esp. from the air; 炸開 bomb open; 炸斷 bomb (bridge) in two; 炸死 bomb to death, kill by explosion.
| V.i. | (1) To explode in anger: 他聽見登時炸了 when he heard this, he exploded (at once). (2) To break up (meeting) in uproar: 炸獄 break jail and escape.
| Words | 1. 炸彈 [zha4dan4], n., a bomb. 2. 炸燬 [zha4hui3], v.i., to bomb and burn out (house). 3. 炸醬 *[zha2jiang4], n., (1) 炸醬麵 a kind of noodles served with meat sauce; n., (2) v.t., (coll.) destroy beyond recognition: 我的幾本好書竟被他炸醬了 he has turned my few good books into mincemeat. 4. 炸裂 [zha4lie4], v.i., to explode in two. 5. 炸妙 [zha4miao4], v.i., (coll.) create a false scare (also wr. 炸廟). 6. 炸窩 [zha4wo1], v.i., (of birds) flush out at noise of gun; (bees) rush out of the beehive. 7. 炸藥 [zha4yao4], n., explosive; dynamite.