

ㄘㄨㄛˋ [cuo4
N.(1)  (AC) grinding stone.
(2)  A mistake: 是我的 the mistake is mine;
admit mistake;
correct mistake;
a mistake, error.
(3)  A delicacy: 珍惜,山珍海 delicacies from land and sea.
V.t.(1)  To miss opportunity: 過機會 ditto.
(2)  (AC) to tattoo (arm. etc.)
Adj.(1)  Confused, complex: 亂,雜,[cuo4luan4], [cuo4za2], [cuo4zong4]↓.
(2)  Mistaken, wrong, bad, esp. in 不 you are right, it is very good indeed (said of anything, food, performance, etc.);
gravely mistaken;
計,著 a wrong move, step;
話 said s.t. which should not have been said.
Words1. [cuo4ai4], v.i., (court.) as in 承你愛 have received undeserved kindness from you.
2. [cuo4chu0], n., mistake, error in commitment or conduct.
3. [cuo4dao1], n., a file for polishing jade, etc. (properly wr. 銼刀).
4. [cuo4e4], adj., startled, taken by surprise, upset.
5. 縫兒 [cuo4feng4er0], n., flaw, mistake, see [cuo4chu0]↑.
6. [cuo4fei1], conj., (dial.) for 除 非 32A.01, except.
7. [cuo4guai4], v.i. & t., blame wrongly (on person).
8. [cuo4guo4], (1) v.t., to miss (opportunity); (2) conj., (dial.)=除非 except.
9. [cuo4jian3], n., a mix-up in the arrangement of bamboo strips in anc. books--a textual error.
10. [cuo4jian4], n., misconception.
11. [cuo4jUe2], n., (psych.) an illusion.
12. [cuo4er0], n., an error in conduct or calculations: 沒有兒 it's decidedly a good choice or decision.
13. [cuo4luan4], adj., confused: 神經亂 mentally deranged.
14. [cuo4luo4], adj., mixed-up.
15. [cuo4miu4], n. & adj., error, erroneous.
16. [cuo4za2], adj., mixed-up, not assorted; complex (situation).
17. [cuo4zong4], adj., complicated: 綜變化 constantly vary.
18. [cuo4wu0], n., an error.
19. [cuo4yi2], v.t., to suspect (person) wrongly.





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