释义 |
灑灑 | 1005C00 63A.70-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 22 | ㄙㄚˇ [sa3] . [Var. of洒 63A.41] | V.i. | To splash (fluid on ground): 灑了一地 splashed all over the ground: 灑掃 [sa3sao3]↓.
| Adj. | Big-hearted, genial: 灑落 [sa3luo4]↓; 灑脫 [sa3tuo0]↓ 瀟灑 63A.22.
| Words | 1. 灑花 [sa3hua1], adj., (jacket, pants) embroidered (=繡花). 2. 灑家 [sa3jia1], pron., (MC dial.) I (the speaker), usu. wr. 洒家. 3. 灑淚 [sa3lei4], v.i., shed tears. 4. 灑落 [sa3lou4], (1) adj., (a) generous, not inhibited; adj., (b) dreary (scene); (2) v.t., to slight (person). 5. 灑然 [sa3ran2], adj., (descriptive) alarmed (manner). 6. 灑灑 [sa2sa3], adj., clear, lucid. 7. 灑掃 [sa2sao3], v.i., to spray and sweep floor. 8. 灑淅 [sa3xi1], adj., bleak, cold and dreary. 9. 灑線 [sa3xian4], adj., embroidered, see [sa3hua1]↑. 10. 灑水車 [sa2shui3che1], n., cart for spraying water. 11. 灑湯 [sa3tang1], v.i., to fail like a drowned chicken): 那件事他辦的灑湯了 that affair entrusted to him is a complete fiasco. 12. 灑脫 [sa3tuo0], adj., unconventional, taking it easy, free from sordid concerns.