释义 |
潑潑 | 1019C25 63A.82-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄆㄛ [po1] | Vb. | To splash, pour out (water) with a splash, sprinkle: 潑熄 extinguish by spraying water; 潑墨 [po1mo4]↓; 潑冷水 (phr.) dampen enthusiasm of an occasion; throw a wet blanket.
| Adj. | Spiteful, coarse, esp. 潑婦 [po1fu4], n., loud-mouthed, sharp-tongued woman; 潑婦罵街 billingsgate; 潑辣 [po1la4]1↓.
| Words | 1. 潑辣 [po1la4]1, adj., bad-tempered, violent (of persons), also aggressive; adj., 潑辣貨 [po1la4hou4], n., (abuse) scoundrel. 2. 潑刺 [po1la4]2, adj., making splashing sound (of fish). 3. 潑賴 [po1lai4], adj., (Soochow dial.) rascally. 4. 潑墨 [po1mo4], n. & v.i., splash-ink, technique of painting. 5. 潑皮 [po1pi2], adj., mischievous (child). 6. 潑潑 [po1po1], adj., jumping about (of fish); adj., 活潑潑的 adv. & adj., bouncing, lovely (of children, spirit, descriptive passage). 7. 潑婆娘 [po1po2niang2], n., (MC) spiteful woman. 8. 潑天 [po1tian1], adj., overwhelming: 潑天大禍 phr., overwhelming disaster; adj., 潑天富貴 immensely rich.