

ㄑㄧㄠˇ [qiao3
N.(1)  Small skills: 技 skillful, also skills;
奪天工 divine skill.
(2)  Seventh day of seventh lunar month: [qiao3xi4]↓.
Adj.(1)  Intelligent, clever, skillful: 靈 clever (handicaraft, mind);
思 a clever thought;
言 clever words;
語 a clever saying;
計 clever strategy: 工 clever art work;
匠 clever carpenter or artisan;
手 a skillful hand, artisan;
婦難為無米之炊 even a clever woman cannot cook a meal without rice;
發奇中 a clever, penetrating remark.
(2)  Artful, deceiving: [qiao3zha4]↓;
辯 specious argument;
花言語 a lot of artful talk, pretty words;
deceitful (person);
言令色鮮矣仁 (Confu.) artful speech and flashy manners seldom indicate a real man;
do things by irregular ways;
吏,宦 clever politician.
Adv.(1)  Cleverly: 詆 criticize or attack artfully.
(2)  Fortuitously, by a happy chance: 遇 extraordinary meeting (of a person);
合 strangely fits (prophecy, etc.);
see 當兒 [qiao3dang1er0]↓;
it happens by luck;
兒 at the most opportune moment (s.o. arrives, etc.);
極了,得很 what a coincidence! 這可了 this is indeed an extraordinary (meeting, etc.);
Words1. 當兒 [qiao3dang1er0], adv. & n., by a good chance, a chance opportunity.
2. [qiao3gu4], n., (AC) artful deceit.
3. [qiao3zha4], adj., deceitful.
4. 勁兒 [qiao3jie4er0], n., (1) great skill (usu. manual); (2) unexpected meeting, event.
5. [qiao3jie2], adj., skillful, fast.
6. [qiao3ji4], n., clever stratagem, trick.
7. [qiao3miao4], adj., wonderful (turn of events, art work).
8. [qiao3she2], n., clever words.
9. [qiao3xi4], see the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, see 七夕 70.70.
10. 宗兒 [qiao3zong1er0], n., a piece of good luck: 是宗兒,你們都得了 if good luck comes, you all will share it.





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