释义 |
湊湊 | 1015B35 63A.81-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄘㄡˋ [cou4] . [Pop. ] | v.i. & t. | to assemble, fit into, fit together, make up number: 湊在一起 put together, 湊近 approach, press near (person, place); 湊過來 move over here; 湊合 [cou4he0]↓; 湊分子 ([cou4fen4zi0]) join the pool; 湊熱鬧兒 join the fun.
| Words | 1. 湊巧 [cou4qiao3], adv., by chance, by luck. 2. 湊趣兒 [cou4qUe4er0], v.i., to take part in and join the fun. 3. 湊搭 [cou4da0], v.t., to patch together lines--as in bad writing. 4. 湊膽子 [cou4dan3zi0], v.i., gather courage on the strength of numbers. 5. 湊合 [cou4he0], v.i., (1) to pool together (a sum of money); (2) to do s.t. for form's sake. 6. 湊集 [cou4ji2], v.t., (people) come together, concentrate on place. 7. 湊理 [cou4li3], adj., see 腠理 42A.81. 8. 湊手 [cou4shou3], adv., have (money) at hand. 9. 湊數(兒) [cou4shu4]([er0]), v.i., to make up a number without active work. 10. 湊湊 [cou4cou0], v.i., gather together among friends.