释义 |
爾爾 | 468B40 31.42 | 部居
| 畫數 14 | ㄦˇ [er3] | Part. | (1) (AC) a final particle as alternative of 耳 (=而已), meaning “merely”: 唯謹爾 be only careful, (see 耳 31.10). (2) Adv. particle, like Eng. “like,” “-ly” in stupid-like, stupidly (from its meaning “like”=如此) see Adj.↓: 率爾而對 answer thoughlessly; 卓爾 distinguished-like, eminent, -ly; 偶爾 occasionally; see Adv.↓.
| Pron. | (AC, LL) you, your (related closely 汝; 汝 is more familiar); see 爾汝 [er2ru3]↓; 爾 oft. used as possessive: 爾父 your father, 爾妻 your wife; or as accusative: 爾詐我虞 you cheat and I deceive--mutually deceive; 爾 used as plural (like Eng. “you”): 爾等,爾曹 [er3deng3], [er3cao2]↓.
| Adj. | (1) (LL) that: 爾時,爾日 that time, that day. (2) (LL) thus, like this (=如此): 不得不爾 has to be this way; 所說乃爾 what (he) said was, this is what he said; 云爾 thus, so; 不過爾爾 it was only so-so. (3) U.f. 邇 near; 爾來 [er3lai2]↓.
| Adv. suffix. | (AC, LL) 莞爾 smilingly; 爾 shouting-like, unceremoniously; 僕僕爾 in a busy and restless manner, repeatedly; 故爾 therefore.
| Words | 1. 爾等 [er2deng3], n., you (plural). 2. 爾爾 [er2er3], adj., so-so. 3. 爾來 [er3lai2], adv., recently, in recent months or years. 4. 爾汝 [er2ru3], pron. & v.t., (AC) to use the familiar you (like Fr. “tu”): 或爾汝之 (AC) treat him familiarly; 無受爾汝之實 (孟子) not to be influenced by personal (familiar) considerations, 爾汝交 (AC) friends who use familiar address to each other, (爾 [er3], 汝 [ru3], were originally very close in pronunciation, as still in many dialects). 5. 爾日 [er3ri4], phr. (LL) that day. 6. 爾馨 [er3xin1], adj., (dail.) thus, like this (see 寧馨 62.01). 7. 爾時 [er3shi2], phr., (LL) at that time. 8. 爾許 [er2xU3], adj., (LL) so many. 9. 爾曹 [er3cao2], n., you (plural).