释义 |
淚淚 | 1016A55 63A.81-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄌㄟˋ [lei4] . [Var. ] | N. | A tear: 眼淚 tears; 流淚 to weep; 淚痕 tear stairs; 淚痕未乾 tears are not yet dry; 淚珠 tear drops; 淚人兒 person melting in to tears; 淚汪汪 full of tears, tearful.
| Words | 1. 淚別 [lie4bie2], n., tearful farewell. 2. 淚腺 [lei4xian4], n., (physiol.) the lachrymal glands.