

ㄧㄣ [yin1 (* [an1, *ㄧㄣˋ [yin4). [Var.闇]
N.(1)  The principle of [yin1] in [yin1yang2] philosophy, the principle of the female, the quiescent, the passive, opp. 陽 [yang2], the male, the active, the expansive: 太 the moon, opp. 太陽 the sun.
(2)  The genitals of man or woman: 男,女;
[yin1hu4], [yin1jing1]↓.
(3)  (AC) the north side of mountain;
south side of river.
(4)  The back side of monuments: 碑.
(5)  The nether world 魂,司,[yin1hun2], [yin1si1]1, [yin1fu3]↓;
宅,狀,[yin1zhe2], [yin1zhuang4], [yin1shou4]↓.
(6)  The shady side: 向 facing the shade;
the moving shadow of the sundial, hence 光 time.
(7)  (*[an1]) (AC) hut near grave for mourner.
(8)  (*[yin4]) (AC) u.f. 蔭 tree shade.
(9)  A surname.
Adj.(1)  Minus, negative (electricty): 電,[yin1dian4], [ying1ji2]↓.
(2)  Female, quiescent, see N.1↑.
(3)  Negative in seal, photography: [yin1wen2]↓;
(4)  Rainy: [yin1tian1]↓.
晴 rain and shine.
(5)  Crafty, sinister: 謀,險,[yin1mou2], [yin1xian3], [yin1zha4]↓.
Words1. [yin1an4], adj., dark, gloomy.
2. [yin1bing1], n., (MC) women soldiers (cf. Amazons).
3. [yin1bu4], n., private parts (of man, woman).
4. [yin1chen2]1, n., (Chin. astrology) the even numbers in duodecimal cycle: 丑,卯,巳,未,酉,亥,see Appendex A (cf. [yin1gan1]1↓).
5. [yin1chen2]2, n., not open, crafty, secretive (person); deadpan (face); dark, gloomy (sky); 沈木 a kind of hard, fine-grained wood.
6. [yin1qian3], n., God's retribution (punishment for sin).
7. [yin1qing1], n., see [yin1shou4]↓.
8. [yin1chun2], n., (physiol.) labia majora; labia minora.
9. [yin1dao4], n., (physiol.) the vagina.
10. [yin1de2], n., good deeds done in secret.
11. [yin1dian4], n., negative electricity.
12. 地嶡 [yin1di4jUe2], n., (bot.) Botrychium ternatum.
13. [yin1du2], adj., (person) vicious with a friendly exterior.
14. [yin1e4], adj., evil deeds unknown to other men.
15. [yin1fu4], n., (physiol.) Mons veneris.
16. [yin1fu3], n., the nether world, Hades.
17. [yin1gan1]1, n., (Chin. astrology) the five even numbers in decimal cycle: 乙,丁,己,辛,癸,cf. [yin1chen2]1↑.
18. [yin1gan1]2 ([yin1gan0]), v.t., to let (pickles, meat) dry gradually in the shade.
19. [yin1gou1], n., sewerage, covered drain.
20. [yin1gong1], n., see [yin1de2]↑.
21. [yin1han2], adj., cold and damp.
22. [yin1hen3], adj., see [yin1du2]↑.
23. [yin1he2], n., (physiol.) clitoris.
24. [yin1hua4], n,. formerly, photographic negative.
25. [yin1hui3], adj., overcast, cloudy.
26. [yin1hu4], n., the vagina.
27. [yin1hun2], n., ghost.
28. [yin1zha4], adj., crafty, deceitful.
29. 著兒 [yin1zhao1er0], n., a dastardly act.
30. [yin1zhe2], n., graveyard (opp. 陽宅 residence of the living).
31. [yin1jian1], n., the Hades.
32. [yin1jing1], n., the penis.
33. [yin1ji2], n., (phys.) the cathode.
34. [yin1zhuang4], n., letter left by one who committed suicide (“a complaint in hell”).
35. [yin1zhong4], adj., (AC, rare) not given to many words, secretive.
36. [yin1zhi4]1, n., inscription in intaglio, with characters below surface.
37. [yin1zhi4]2, n., see [yin1de2]↑.
38. [yin1liang2], adj., cool: 涼兒 cool shade.
39. [yin1li4], n., the lunar calendar.
40. 靈兒 [yin1ling2er0], n., departed soul of person.
41. [yin1mao2], n., pubic hair.
42. [yin1men2], n., see [yin1hu4]↑.
43. 面子 [yin1mian4zi0], n., dastardly person; friendly attitude with concealed viciousness.
44. [yin1mou2], n., secret conspiracy.
45. [yin1nang2], n., (physiol.) the scrotum.
46. [yin1ping2], n., the first tone in Chin. language (陽平=second tone).
47. [yin1ren2], n., (sl.) a woman.
48. [yin1sen1], adj., dark, gloomy place; crooked (person).
49. [yin1xian3], adj., sly and crafty, dastardly.
50. [yin1xing4], n., feminine character, gender; the [yin1] nature.
51. 行草 [yin1xin2cao3], n., (bot.) Siphonostegia chinensis.
52. [yin1shou4], n., anniversary of a parent's death.
53. [yin1shi4], n., secret doings not known to others.
54. [yin1suo1], n., (bot.) a hard wood.
55. [yin1sun3], n., secret evil deed which detracts from man's lot of happiness.
56. [yin1si1]1, n., the judges in hell; the hell.
57. [yin1si1]2, n., a man's personal secrets not known to others.
58. [yin1tian1], n., a cloudy day.
59. [yin1cao2], n., see [yin1si1]1↑.
60. [yin1wei3], n., (physiol.) impotence (=陽萎).
61. [yin1wen2], n., inscription in intaglio, with characters below surface.
62. [yin1yang2], n., [yin1] and [yang2], (see N.1↑); 陽家 an astrologer; 陽生 (AC) astrologer; n., 陽人 [yin1yang2ren2], n., a bisexual person; n., sex-intergrade (biol.).
63. [yin1ying3], n., shadow.
64. [yin1yin1], adj., cloudy: 沉沉 cloudy and gloomy.





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