释义 |
頭頭 | 438C45 30S.80-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄊㄡˊ [tou2] | N. adjunct. | A unit or piece of: 兩頭牛 two heads of cattle (cf. 兩條狗,兩隻雞,etc.); 三頭蒜 three pieces of garlic; 一頭親事 one matrimonial match.
| N. | (1) ([tou2er0]) Head: 頭上,頭頂上 overhead; 頭尾 head and tail, beginning and end; 點頭 nod one's head; 探頭探腦 pop in one's head to look; 光頭 uncovered head; 禿頭 bald; 披頭 the Beatles or their hair style; 頭腦,頭臉,頭皮 [tou2nao3], [tou2liao3], [tou2pi2]↓; 頭足異處 beheaded, dismembered; 頭不保 life in danger; 頭齊腳不齊 (woman) half dressed up; 頭上腳下 (women's) ensemble, gen. makeup; 頭朝裡 self-centered, egocentric, interested only in oneself, not in others; 頭朝下 crestfallen; 頭拱地 prostrate oneself; 回頭 to turn one’s head, by and by: 回頭是岸 to mend one's ways; 掉頭不顧 turn head away in disregard; 出頭,出人頭地 be honored, distinguished among a group; 拋頭露面 (derog. of woman) show oneself much in the streets; 埋頭苦幹 bury oneself in work; 昏頭昏腦 muddle-headed, absent-minded, too busy to think; 頭昏腦脹 overwhelmed with work; 頭昏眼花 dizzy; 頭昏腦悶 disconcerted; 頭痛,頭暈 [tou2tong4], [tou2yUn4]↓. (2) Head of group: 工頭 foreman; 頭領,頭家 [tou2ling3], [tou2jia1]↓. (3) Main thread, line or aspect of work: 分頭進行 proceed each following one assignment; 千頭萬緒 complexities of a situation, innumerable things to do; 頭頭件件 every item; 頭頭是道 clear and convincing presentation (of argument or subject). (4) Side, nearby position: 這頭,那頭 ([tou0]) this side, end, that side, end; 前頭,後頭 ([tou0]) the front, rear; 裡頭,外頭 inside, outside; 兩頭跑 run about at both places; 開頭,起頭 beginning; 心頭 at heart; 心頭的恨 deep-seated hatred; 床頭 bedside; 床頭人 wife; 案頭 on the desk; 上頭 (quite proper reference to) superior, master; 看風頭 watch how the wind blows; 出風頭 to show off. (5) Forming suffix of a wide variety of words: 沒說頭,沒講頭 ([tou0]) nothing worth discussing with a person; 沒看頭 ([tou0]), nothing worth seeing; 此馬來頭大 used of persons coming with great backing or influence; 想頭,念頭 ([tou0]) thought, idea; 甜頭 (給甜頭吃)([tou0]) give him “presents” or bribe; 苦頭(吃過苦頭) have tasted some bitter experience; 彩頭 good luck; 霉頭 bad luck; 木頭 ([tou0]) timber, a blockhead; 零頭 odd change, odd pieces; 盡頭 the end; 到頭來 in the end; 空頭 ([tou0]) empty head, brainless; 空頭支票 bounced cheque, dishonored cheque: 做空頭 (stock exchange) buy on margin. (6) Used of men: 老頭(子) old man; 老實頭 ([tou0]) a simpleton; 孱頭 ([tou0]) weak fellow; 丫頭([tou0]) maidservant. (7) Used with parts of body: 奶頭 nipple; 舌頭 ([tou0]) tongue; 眉頭 expression in eyebrows; 指頭 finger; 手頭 money at disposal: 有手頭,手頭寬 have plenty of money to spend.
| Adj. | First, No.1: 頭等 first-class; 頭獎 first prize; 頭胎 the firstborn; 頭一天,頭一個 first day, first one, but see 頭年 [tou2nian2]↓; 頭條新聞 (phr.) front page news; 頭道,遭,次,回陣 first time; 頭挑 the best class of goods; 頭水(兒) [tou2shui3]([er0])↓.
| Words | 1. 頭部 [tou2bu4], n., the head: 頭部受傷 sustained a head injury. 2. 頭妻 [tou2qi1], n., first wife; legal wife. 3. 頭擋(兒) [tou2dang3]([er0]), n., headboard on baby crib to ward off draft. 4. 頭等 [tou2deng3], adj., first-class: 頭等國 first-class Power. 5. 頭頂(上) [tou2ding3]([shang4]), n. & adj., overhead. 6. 頭額 [tou2e4], n., forehead. 7. 頭髮 [tou2fa3], n., hair on human head. 8. 頭風 [tou2feng1], n., headache, migraine. 9. 頭蓋 [tou2gai4], n., cranium; 頭蓋骨 skull; 頭蓋腔 cranial cavity. 10. 頭垢 [tou2gou4], n., dandruff. 11. 頭箍兒 [tou2gu1er0], n., Manchu woman's band for gathering up hair. 12. 頭骨 [tou2gu3], n., skull. 13. 頭號(兒) [tou2hao4]([er0]), n., the best, the biggest. 14. 頭昏 [tou2hun1], n., headache, dizziness. 15. 頭家 [tou2jia1], n., banker or host at gambling party. 16. 頭角 [tou2jiao3], n., in phrr. 初露頭角 (writer) make first appearance; 頭角崢嶸,嶄然見頭角 (of youth) very promising. 17. 頭尖 [tou2jian1], n., (coll.) the very best. 18. 頭巾 [tou2jin1], n., scarf for the head, turban; 頭巾氣 bookish air; Neo-Confucian puritanical manner. 19. 頭口 [tou2kou3], n., gen. term for domestic animals (cattle, mules, etc.=牲口). 20. 頭盔 [tou2kui1], n., helmet. 21. 頭兒 [tou2er0], n., see N.↑ in all senses; 頭兒錢 banker's commission at gambling parties. 22. 頭臉(兒) [tou2lian3] ([tou2lia3er0]), n., person's facial appearance. 23. 頭裡 [tou2li3], adv., formerly, at the beginning; in front; beforehand. 24. 頭領 [tou2ling3], n., leader, headman. 25. 頭路 [tou2lu4], n., (1) clue, main thread; (2) profession, access: 頭路兒 first class (goods). 26. 頭顱 [tou2lu2], n., skull. 27. 頭面 [tou2mian4], n., face: 不露頭面 do not show one's face. 28. 頭目 [tou2mu4], n., foreman, head of group or gang. 29. 頭腦 [tou2nao3], n., (1) head, brains: 有頭腦 has a good head; (2) thread, clue: 沒頭沒腦(case) completely without clue; (3) head of group. 30. 頭年 [tou2nian2], adv., last year. 31. 頭帕 [tou2pa4], n., turban. 32. 頭皮 [tou2pi2], n., (1) dandruff; (2) skin of head: 打破頭皮 a blow on head causing it to bleed. 33. 頭晌(兒) [tou2shang3]([er0]), adv., in the forenoon. 34. 頭上 [tou2shang4], adv., above, overhead. 35. 頭銜 [tou2xian2], n., official rank or title. 36. 頭水(兒) [tou2shui3] ([tou2shueeer0]), n., the first and best distillation, best quality (goods); first time used (furniture). 37. 頭蝨 [tou2shi1], n., head louse, Pediculus capitis. 38. 頭勢 [tou2shi4], n., force (of blow, etc.); tendency. 39. 頭緒 [tou2xU4], n., order, main threads: 理個頭緒出來 gather the main points, arrange in order. 40. 頭天 [tou2tian1], adv., (1) the first day; (2) the day before (cf. 頭一天 the first day). 41. 頭寸 [tou2cun4], n., ready cash, cash reserve of bank. 42. 頭痛 [tou2tong4], n., headache; (also fig.) 偏頭痛 migraine. 43. 頭子 [tou2zi0], n., (1) the best; (2) formerly, headman, chieftain. 44. 頭尾 [tou2wei3], n., beginning and end, parts of a connected story; 無頭無尾的故事 one cannot make head or tail of story. 45. 頭影 [tou2ying3], n., shadow: 不見你頭影 never saw even a shadow of you. 46. 頭暈 [tou2yUn4], adj. & n., dizzy, -ziness.