释义 |
任任 | 1245B10 91A.11-9 | 部居
| 畫數 6 | ㄖㄣˋ [ren4] (*ㄖㄣˊ [ren2] ). | N. | (1) One's duty, assignment, responsibility: 任務 [ren4wu4]↓; 責任 official duties; 重任 heavy responsibility; 任重道遠 ability to carry heavy responsibilities through thick and thin. (2) An official post: 赴任 go to assume office; 卸任 step down from office; 到任 take up a post; 受任 receive an appointment to office; 接任 take office; 走馬上任 go to take office; 在任 during one's tenure of office; 前任,後任 former, present incumbent; 新任,舊任 new, old appointee; 原任 original officeholder; 歷任 successive officeholders; 薦任 (of section chiefs, secretaries, etc.) appoint on recommendation; 任 (of vice-ministers, counsellors, etc.) appoint by selection; 特任 (of Cabinet members, ambassador, etc.) appoint by special decree. (3) (*[ren2]) U.f. 妊: pregnancy. (4) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) Appoint, assign: 任命 [ren4ming4]↓; 任賢 select good men for service; 任免 [ren4mian3], 任用 [ren4yong4], 任期 [ren4qi2], 任使 [ren4shi3]↓; 委任 (of clerks, copyists, etc.) to appoint or commission; 聘任 (of teachers, professors, advisers, etc.) appoint by invitation; 調任 to transfer. (2) Be responsible for: 任勞 [ren4lao2]↓; 任怨 bear blame; 擔任 serve as, occupy the position of; 出任 assume the duties of; 專任 hold a full-time job; 兼任 serve concurrently as; 任內 during one's tenure of office; 初任 assume office for the first time; 勝任愉快 be fully qualified for work (duties, assignment); 連任 serve for a second term; 革職留任 be stripped of official title but not dismissed. (3) Let, allow: 任憑 [ren4ping2], 任便 [ren4bian4]↓; 任由 let it be; 任從 [ren4cong2], 任意 [ren4yi4], 任性 [ren4xing4]↓; 任所欲為 let him do as he pleases, give him a free hand. (4) To trust: 信任 entrust, have confidence in. (5) Let anyone: 任何人都不許進來 no one shall come in no matter who he is.
| Adj. | Any, no matter who, what, how: 任甚麼話都不聽 won't listen no matter what you say.
| Words | 1. 任便 [ren4bian4], phr., just as you (he) please(s), be free (at liberty) to. 2. 任氣 [ren4qi4], adj., hotheaded, quick-tempered, impetuous, rash. 3. 任期 [ren4qi2], n., tenure of office, a tour of duty. 4. 任情 [ren4qing2], adj., (=任性 [ren4xing4]↓). 5. 任達 [ren4da2], adj., easygoing, happy-go-lucky, free from worldly worries. 6. 任何 [ren4he2], adj., any, whatever (person, place, thing). 7. 任咎 [ren4jiu4], v.i., take upon oneself all the blame. 8. 任勞 [ren4lao2], v.i., bear responsibility for task, devote oneself wholeheartedly to duty. 9. 任免 [ren4mian3], v.t. & n., appoint(ment) and dismiss(al). 10. 任命 [ren4ming4], v.t. & n., appoint(ment) to office. 11. 任憑 [ren4ping2], phr., (1) (=任便 [ren4bian4]↑); (2) no matter what, see Adj.↑. 12. 任人 *[ren2ren2], (1) n., (AC) a flatterer, a toady, a sycophant, a deceitful person (=佞人); (2) adj., open to everybody. 13. 任俠 [ren4xia2], n., a gallant and chivalrous person. 14. 任性 [ren4xing4], (1) v.i., do as one pleases, follow one's natural bent; (2) adj., intractable, refractory, recalcitrant: 不可任性 don't be self-willed. 15. 任率 [ren4shou4], adj., ingenuous, artless, simple, natural. 16. 任事 [ren4shi4]1, (1) v.i., to shoulder responsibility, discharge one’s duties: 勇於任事 fulfill one's duties faithfully and energetically; (2) v.i., assign duties to (s.o.). 17. 任是 [ren4shi4]2, conj., even if. 18. 任使 [ren4shi3], v.t. & n., (1) (appoint to) service; (2) duties, responsibilities; (3) conj., even if. 19. 任天 [ren4tian1], v.i., leave everything to divine will. 20. 任從 [ren4cong2], phr., let s.o. do as he pleases. 21. 任縱 [ren4zong4], adj., unrestrained. 22. 任務 [ren4wu4], n., an assigned task, duties, responsibilities. 23. 任意 [ren4yi4], v.i., do as one pleases. 24. 任用 [ren4yong4], v.t., appoint to service.