

ㄅㄚˇ [ba3 (coll. also *ㄅㄞˇ [bai3, *ㄅㄚˋ [ba4).
N. adjunct.(1)  Used before objects with handles or things to take hold of: 一刀,一傘,一茶壼 a knife, an umbrella, a teapot;
椅子 a chair.
(2)  A handful of: 一麻繩,頭髮,花生,沙 a handful of hemp, hair, peanuts, soil or sand;
a neat lot of (given reasons, etc.).
N.子,兒 *[ba4zi0], *[ba4er0], a handle;
兒,槍兒 knife handle, gun butt;
兒缸子 teacup with handle;
兒鏡子 hand mirror.
Adj.About, used after numbers or measures: 百個人 about a hundred persons: 一年日子, about a year long;
一點鐘 about an hour.
V.t.(1)  Hold, hold in hand: 手 hold hands;
卷 hold book in hand (read);
盞 or 酒 hold cup in hand (and drink).
(2)  Guard, watch, keep: 門 guard door, gate;
風 be on the lookout (of thieves’ colleague);
舵 be at the rudder or steering wheel in ship.
(3)  Use s.t. regard as: 來做洋傘用 use as substitute for umbrella;
來恫嚇人 use it to threaten people;
他當一回事 take, regard the matter seriously.
(4)  To assist child in natural functions: 屎,尿.
(5)  (MC) to give: 一向沒得你 have not given it you so far.
Prep.(Coll. also *[bai3]) used before direct object, followed by v.t. (+object+v.t.): 門關上 close the door;
similarly, 人殺死,錢搶走 kill a man and rob his money;
故事講完了 finish telling the story;
錢看得太重 think too much of money;
東西丟了 lose s.t.;
事情忘了 forget s.t.
Words1. [ba3bi4], phr., holding arms (meeting of friends).
2. [ba3bing4] ([ba3bing0]), n., evidence that can be got hold of in lawsuits, arguments.
3. [ba3bi2], n., cue, or clue, esp. 沒鼻 without any clue.
4. [ba3chi2], v.t., monopolize, keep control of (situation, post, power): 持不定 undecided, wavering.
5. [ba3jia1], v.i., (MC) keep house.
6. [ba3zhuo1], v.t., get hold of, put finger on, be sure about (person, truths): 捉不定 difficult to assess.
7. 口兒 [ba3kou3er0], n., entrance to alley.
8. [ba3lan3], v.t., to monopolyze, control.
9. [ba3lao2], adj., safe and secure, dependable.
10. [ba3mei4], phr., holding sleeves, i.e., in loving friendship.
11. [ba3xi4], n., jugglery; (derog.) action to fool people, or for show, cheap trick.
12. 兄弟 [ba3xiong1di4], n., sworn brother.
13. [ba3shou3]1, v.i., guard (entrance).
14. [ba3shou3]2, phr., hand in hand.
15. [ba3shi4], n., special artist or performer (劍式,車式,花兒式 in sword play, carriage driving, horticulture): 打式 (勢) 10A.00, practise boxing gestures.
16. [ba3su4], v.i., (Budd.) keep vegetarian vow.
17. [ba3zi0], n., a group of (thieves); sworn brotherhood; (拜子, be sworn thus); vulg. for 靶子 20B.70.
18. [ba3wan3], v.t., fondle (toys, jade, etc.).
19. [ba3wen3], v.i. & t., be sure about, be firm, play safe.
20. [ba3wo1], n., confidence about future venture: 有握 have confidence in dealing with s.t.; 毫無握 have no confidence at all.
21. [ba3wu4], v.i., meet and talk personally (of friends).





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