释义 |
汲汲 | 1019B50 63A.82-3 | 部居
| 畫數 7 | ㄐㄧˊ [ji2] | N. | A surname.
| V.t. | Draw (liquid); 汲水 draw water from a well; 汲綆 a well-rope; 汲酒 draw wine from a jar; 汲水機 a chain pump.
| Words | 1. 汲道 [ji2dao4], n., a conduit, a water channel. 2. 汲汲 [ji2ji2], adj. & adv., anxious(ly), restless(ly): 汲汲於名利 restlessly seeking for fame and riches. 3. 汲引 [ji2yin3], v.t., (1) (of water) draw up and conduct from one place to another, as with a pipe; (2) 汲引後進 select and promote (younger men) to better positions.