释义 |
切切 | 162A45 10S.50-5 | 部居
| 畫數 4 | ㄑㄧㄝˋ [qie4] (*ㄑㄧㄝ [qie1] ). | V.i. | (1) 切 To feel the pulse. (2) (*[qie1]) To cut (paper, fish, meat, melon, etc.): 切斷 cut in two; 切開 cut open; 切片 cut into slices; 切平 cut even; 切成碎兒 cut into bits.
| Adj. & adv. | (1) Close, -ly, fitting, to the point: 切中 (時弊,要害) hit closely the shortcomings, hit the nail on the head; 不切事,不切實際 (opinions, remarks) unrealistic, not practicable, not correspond to reality; 切鄰 (MC) close neighbor; 切膚之痛 sorrow hits home, or sorrow like cutting one's flesh: 切身,切己,切近 [qie4shen1], [qie4ji3], [qie4jin4]↓; 親切 warm and sincere; 關切 be concerned about (person, affair); 密切注意 watch closely. (2) Firmly: 切勸 sincerely persuade or dissuade, firmly advise; 切諫 firmly advise (ruler) against; 切責 severely charge (with duty), reprimand. (3) Urgent, -ly, be careful to, carefully: 迫切 urgent; see 切切 [qie4qie4]↓; used imperatively, be sure to: 切記 be sure to remember; 切勿忘記 must never forget; 切不可 must never; 切囑 (this is my) most urgent advice; 切望 I hope sincerely, urgently.
| Words | 1. 切切 [qie4qie4], adv., (1) (in imperative sentence) please do, be sure to: 切切記住 be sure to remember; 切切毋違 be sure not to disobey; (2) descriptive of sorrow: 淒淒切切,切切而哀 plaintive, mournfully; of small whispering sounds: 小弦切切如私語 the small strings seem like whispering; (AC) of careful work or demeanor: 切切偲偲; of fondness: 切切故鄉情 fondly remember home distict. 2. 切齒 [qie4chi3], v.i., grind one's teeth in hatred. 3. 切當 [qie4dang4], adj., (of remarks, procedures) very appropriate, to the point. 4. 切點 [qie4dian3], n., (math.) point of contact. 5. 切斷 *[qie1duan4], v.t., to amputate (leg, etc.). 6. 切糕 *[qie1gao1], n., a kind of pudding made of glutinous rice, dates, etc., cut and sold in small pieces. 7. 切骨 [qie4gu3], phr., (1) hate to the bones; (2) (wind) cutting (“into the bones”). 8. 切合 [qie4he2], adj., (opinion) fitting, apt; v.t., fit: 切合事實 correspond to the facts. 9. 切角 [qi4jiao3], n., (math.) angle of contact. 10. 切近 [qie4jin4], adj., close at home, close to reality. 11. 切己 [qie4ji3], adj., very close, personal (relationships). 12. 切口 [qie4kou3], n., secret language of underground gangs. 13. 切麵 *[qie1mian4], n., vermicelli made by cutting with knife. 14. 切身 [qie4shen1], adj., close, personal, intimate (problems, relations): 切身之痛 sorrow which hits close at home. 15. 切線 [qie1xian4], n., (math.) a tangent. 16. 切實 [qie4shi2], adj., practical, actual (work), opp. dilatory (talk), also 切切實實 in earnest, really (get down to work). 17. 切磋 *[qie1cuo1], v.i., to study and learn by mutual discussion (from allu. 如切如磋 “like cutting and grinding” stones). 18. 切音 [qie4yin1], v.i. & n., system of spelling out sound by [fan3qie4] 反切 confluent consonants and syllabary. 19. 切圓 [qie4yUan2], n., (math.) tangent circles. 20. 切韻 [qie4yUn4], n., syllabary or rhyme classification of characters; name of rhyme book around 600 A.D. used as dictionary.