释义 |
殿殿 | 803B40 52S.82-4 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄉㄧㄢˋ [dian4] | N. | Hall, temple, palace: 神殿 temple to gods; 宮殿 palace; 登殿 emperor goes up to throne hall.
| V.i.&adj. | Rear, bring up the rear; the last: 殿最 the last (殿) and the first (最) in former examinations; 殿後 to bring up the rear.
| Words | 1. 殿軍 [dian4jUn1], n., (mil.) rear guard: 冠軍,亞軍,季軍,殿軍 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and the 4th winners in a contest. 2. 殿下 [dian4xia4], n., term of address to princes. 3. 殿堂 [dian4tang2], n., temple or palace hall. 4. 殿宇 [dian4yU3], n., hall buildings.