

ㄑㄧ [qi1 (ㄑㄧˊ [qi2 before 4th tone (h) and unaccented syllable).
N.A seventh day after death, when sacrifice is offered until seven times seven days (forty-ninth) is over;
forty-ninth day;
the first seventh;
the third seventh, etc.
Adj.Seven, seven times;
放 (allu.) 諸葛亮擒孟獲 Juker Liahng subjugated a native chief by capturing him and releasing him seven times;
十二 a round number;
十二行 every one of the seventy-two professions;
an impossible number in dice where the maximum is six, hence a miracle: 說出來也不行 even a miracle won't make (s.o.) budge;
他可貧出來了 he is down to the last cent;
…八… higgledy-piggledy, pell-mell;
大八小,長八短 of uneven size;
顛八倒 totter in any and all directions;
八糟,零八落 all a hideous mess;
扭八歪 (of things) in a state of great disorder: 楞八瓣 of most uneven size and formation;
手八腳 to serve hand and foot;
上八下 (or 落) in a mental flurry of indecision;
嘴八舌,言八語 all talking in confusion or offering different opinions;
拼八湊 to scrape together;
折八扣 not pay up full amount;
通八達 (of location) reaching out in all directions;
老八十 in one's seventies.
Words1. [qi1bao3], n., (Budd.) seven kinds of gems (and other explanations): 寶樓臺 tower of seven jewels.
2. [qi1qi1], n., (1) the seven times seven days after death. see N.↑; (2) the seventh day of seventh lunar month, see [qi1xi4]↓; 事變 July 7, 1937, the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War.
3. 巧(板) [qi1qiao3]([ban3]), n., (1) see [qi1xi4]↓; (2) the magic square, cut into seven pieces, which could be arranged in many different shapes, an educational puzzle.
4. [qi1qiao4], phr., the seven apertures of human face (eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth): 竅流血 bleeding from nose and mouth, etc.; 竅生煙 fumigate with anger.
5. [qi1qing2], phr., the normal human emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate and desire.
6. [qi1chu1], phr., formerly, the seven valid reasons for divorce: (1) barrenness, (2) adultery, (3) disrespect to parents-in-law, (4) wicked tongue, (5) theft, (6) jealousy and (7) heinous disease.
7. [qi1chi3], phr., 尺之軀 the human adult body, seven “foot” 尺 in ancient measure (a foot being perhaps seven modern inches).
8. [qi1gu3], n., see [qi1yan2]↓.
9. 件事 [qi1jian4shi4], phr., the seven household needs: 柴 fuel, 米 rice, 油 oil, 鹽 salt, 醬 sauce, 醋 vinegar, 茶 tea.
10. [qi1jUe2], n., see [qi1yan2shi1]↓.
11. [qi1lU4], n., see [qi1yan2shi1]↓.
12. [qi1se4], n., the seven colors of spectrum or rainbow.
13. [qi1sheng1], phr., the seven-tone scale of music: 宮,商,角,徵,羽 (pentatonic) plus 變徵 fa and 變宮 ti.
14. [qi1xiang1], n., a mixture of seven spices.
15. [qi1xian2], n., the seven-stringed instrument.
16. [qi1xi4], n., the festival of the seventh day of seventh month, celebrating the annual reunion of lovers, the Cowherd and the Spinster, two stars in heaven, also called 乞巧.
17. [qi1xing1], n., (astron.) the Great Dipper; 星板 a panel in coffin carved with design of the Great Dipper.
18. [qi1tiao2], n., Buddhist cassock: 條袈裟.
19. 言詩 [qi1yan2shi1], n., a poetic form of seven syllables to a line; 律 such poem of eight lines with prescribed tonal pattern; 絕 of four lines with prescribed tonal pattern; 古 poem of seven syllables to a line, without tonal prescription and of any number of lines.
20. [qi1yao4], n., the seven days of the week, named after the sun (Sunday), the moon (Monday) and five planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn).
21. [qi1yin1], n., (1) (phonetics) the seven classes of consonants; 脣 labial, 舌 lingual, 牙 back teeth, 齒 dental, 喉 guttural, 半舌 lateral and 半齒 dental sibilant; (2) see [qi1sheng1]↑.

ㄑㄧ [qi1 (ㄑㄧˊ [qi2). [See 10.70]





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