释义 |
去去 | 194B55 11.93 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄑㄩˋ [qU4] | N. | 去聲 The fourth tone in Mandarin speech, represented consistently by letter “h” after vowel in present dictionary (in some systems represented by diacritical mark “\\”).
| V.i. | (1) To go to a place, to leave, depart: 來來去去 coming and going; 去不了 unable to go; 去不去 will go or won't go? 去不得 mustn't go; 去不起 cannot afford to go (to expensive hotel); 美國去不成了 the hope to go to the U.S. cannot be realized; 去他的 let him go (about his business); 去你的 go your way (I am not stopping you); 去留 the choice between staying or quitting; 去路 a way out. (2) Be apart: 相去不遠 not far from each other.
| V.t. | (1) To drop (habits, office), drive away (heat, cold), leave (country): 去掉 throw away; 去不掉 cannot remove (stain); 去火 reduce combustion in body system; 去病 drive away illness; 去邪 (Chin. med.) reduce poison in system; 壞習慣老去不了 an old habit is difficult to drop; 去泰去甚 avoid excesses, extravagance; 去官,去職 resign from office; 去任 leave when term expires. (2) In Chin. opera, to play the role of: 他去甚麼角色 what role is he given to play? 去王寶釧 plays Lady Precious Stream.
| Infin. part. | Used like Eng. infinitive particle “to”: 回家去吃飯 go home and (“to”) have supper; 拿錢去養家,去玩 take money to support his family, to have a good time.
| Adj. | Past: 去年,去歲 last year; 去今來 (Budd.) the past, present and future; 去事 past events; 去日 days in the past.
| Adv. | Off, on, away: 信口說去 just talk on; 說來說去 after so much talk (on and on); 讓他哭去 let him cry on; 進去 go in; 做去 just go ahead and do it.
| Prep. | From: 去包裹裡取些碎銀子 took some bits of silver from the parcel.
| Words | 1. 去處 [qU4chu4], n., (1) a place: 荒涼去處 a solitary place; (2) s.t. on the record: 他平生沒有得罪人的去處 from his record he never seems to have offended any one; (3) place gone to: 不知去處 do not know where one has gone to. 2. 去得(過兒) [qU4de0]([guo1er0]), phr., (1) presentable, passable, good enough: 他模樣倒還去得 or 去得過兒 or 過得去 his looks are not so bad; (2) worth a visit. 3. 去就 [qU4jiu4], n., the moral principle of when to stay in office and when to resign--important in Confucianism: 以去就爭 threat to leave if one's idea is not taken. 4. 去了 [qU4le0], adv., far too: 人數多了去了 far too many people; 屋子大了去了 the house is far too big. 5. 去聲 [qU4sheng1], n., the fourth tone, see N.↑. 6. 去向 [qU4xiang4]1, n., direction: 不知去向 do not know where one is gone. 7. 去項(兒) [qU4xiang4]2([er0]), n., items of expense. 8. 去世 [qU4shi4], v.i., (person) to pass away.