释义 |
梯梯 | 120A30 10B.22-8 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄊㄧ [ti1] | N. | A ladder, stairs, steps: 天梯 long ladder; 雲梯 ladder for scaling city walls; 樓梯 staircase; 電梯 elevator, lift; 安全梯 fire escape; 軟梯,繩梯 rope ladder; 板梯 stepladder.
| Words | 1. 梯氣 [ti1qi4], adj., (MC) very intimate: 梯氣酒,梯氣話; see [ti1ji3]↓. 2. 梯衝 [ti1chong1], n., scaling ladder for attacking city walls. 3. 梯航 [ti1hang2], phr., (LL) short for 梯山航海 “scaling mountains and crossing seas”--long, arduous voyage. 4. 梯階 [ti1jie1], n., steps of ladder; elements (“first steps”) in subject (French, painting, etc.). 5. 梯己 [ti1ji3], (1) n., secret savings (of housewife, etc.); (2) adj., very partial, confidential (probably standing for 體己): 梯己話 confidential talk; adj., 梯己人 a confidant(e); (3) adv., personally: 梯己送路 send off personally. 6. 梯形 [ti1xing2], n., (math.) trapezoid; staggered arrangement (of timetable). 7. 梯田 [ti1tian2], n., terraced (rice) fields. 8. 梯次 [ti1ci4], n., turn , term: 第幾梯次 (first, second, etc.) turn; term (of military training).